velserver is a set of perl scripts that can be used to monitor the traffic of your velbus installation and send out control messages. This allows you to monitor what's happening on the bus and control the modules.
Velbus is domotica made by the Belgium company Velleman:
Velbus has no native external interface. You can buy a 'Home Center' (, but I prefer openHAB. The main goal of velserver is to integrate the velbus domotica with, but it's not that hard to change the code so integration with other products is possible.
Voor wie deze zin verstaat, ikzelf woon in Vlaanderen. Je kan me dus ook vragen in het Nederlands stellen.
This code helped me a lot and gave me a big jump start:
This code is not finished. It does the basic stuff, but I'm constantly updating it.
See the wiki page /~ for more information
I decided to rewrite the documentation in a google drive documents untill I find a better place:
Velserver Information:
Velserver Internal Documentation -
Velserver Components -