Khaos Test is a Kotlin test framework and toolkit for improving self-documentation, readability, and debugging of tests.
Khaos Test allows a developer to intuitively structure tests as individual scenarios that make up features, and features are grouped into a specification.
object BankAccountSpecification : KhaosSpecification {
val `Bank account creation` = Feature {
Scenario("A new bank account is created with an initial balance") {
val bank = Given("A bank") { Bank() }
val customer = Given("A customer") { Customer("Jim") }
val accountSummary = When("The customer creates an account at the bank") {
Then("The account has the correct initial balance", 0.0) { expected ->
Verify.that(accountSummary.balance isEqualTo expected)
Scenario("A customer can only have one account at a bank") {
val (bank, customer) = givenACustomerWithBankAccount("Jim")
val action = DeferredWhen("The customer creates another account at the bank.") {
Then("The account creation fails") {
val `Bank account deposits and withdrawals` = Feature {
Scenario("Money is deposited in a bank account") {
val (bank, customer) = givenACustomerWithBankAccount("Jim")
val money = Given("The customer has some money") { 5.0 }
When("The customer deposits the money") {
bank.deposit(customer, money)
Then("The account has the expected balance", money) { expected ->
Verify.that(bank.getAccountSummary(customer).balance isEqualTo expected)
data class Input(
val scenarioName: String,
val initialBalance: Double,
val withdrawalAmount: Double,
val expectedException: Class<out Throwable>? = null)
Input("Money is withdrawn from a bank account", 100.0, 5.0),
Input("Amount withdrawn must be positive", 100.0, -5.0,,
Input("A bank account cannot be overdrawn", 5.0, 100.0,
) {
Scenario(scenarioName) {
val (bank, customer) = givenACustomerWithBankAccount("Jim", initialBalance)
val money = Given("The customer needs some money") { withdrawalAmount }
val action = DeferredWhen("The customer withdraws the money") {
bank.withdraw(customer, money)
if (expectedException == null) {
Then("The withdrawal succeeds") {
Then("The account has the expected balance", initialBalance - money) { expected ->
Verify.that(bank.getAccountSummary(customer).balance isEqualTo expected)
} else {
Then("The withdrawal fails") {
Verify.that(action doesThrow expectedException)
Scenarios are self-documented as a series of given/when/then steps with human readable verification methods and all test values are logged for easy debugging of failed tests.
## SPECIFICATION: com.starcruisestudios.khaos.test.example.BankAccountSpecification
### FEATURE: Bank account deposits and withdrawals
#### SCENARIO: Money is deposited in a bank account
* A bank : `com.starcruisestudios.khaos.test.example.Bank@107f4980` -> **PASSED**
* A customer : `Customer(name=Jim)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer has a bank account at the bank : `AccountSummary(balance=0.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer has some money : `5.0` -> **PASSED**
* The customer deposits the money : `AccountSummary(balance=5.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The account has the expected balance (`5.0`) -> **PASSED**
> Scenario Result: **PASSED**
#### SCENARIO: Money is withdrawn from a bank account
* A bank : `com.starcruisestudios.khaos.test.example.Bank@472698d` -> **PASSED**
* A customer : `Customer(name=Jim)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer has a bank account at the bank : `AccountSummary(balance=100.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer needs some money : `5.0` -> **PASSED**
* The customer withdraws the money -> **DEFERRED**
* The withdrawal succeeds : `AccountSummary(balance=95.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The account has the expected balance (`95.0`) : `95.0` -> **PASSED**
> Scenario Result: **PASSED**
#### SCENARIO: Amount withdrawn must be positive
* A bank : `com.starcruisestudios.khaos.test.example.Bank@40712ee9` -> **PASSED**
* A customer : `Customer(name=Jim)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer has a bank account at the bank : `AccountSummary(balance=100.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer needs some money : `-5.0` -> **PASSED**
* The customer withdraws the money -> **DEFERRED**
* The withdrawal fails : `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot withdraw negative amount: -5.0` -> **PASSED**
> Scenario Result: **PASSED**
#### SCENARIO: A bank account cannot be overdrawn
* A bank : `com.starcruisestudios.khaos.test.example.Bank@39fa8ad2` -> **PASSED**
* A customer : `Customer(name=Jim)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer has a bank account at the bank : `AccountSummary(balance=5.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer needs some money : `100.0` -> **PASSED**
* The customer withdraws the money -> **DEFERRED**
* The withdrawal fails : `java.lang.IllegalStateException: Insufficient funds in account.` -> **PASSED**
> Scenario Result: **PASSED**
### FEATURE: Bank account creation
#### SCENARIO: A new bank account is created with an initial balance
* A bank : `com.starcruisestudios.khaos.test.example.Bank@7942a854` -> **PASSED**
* A customer : `Customer(name=Jim)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer creates an account at the bank : `AccountSummary(balance=0.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The account has the correct initial balance (`0.0`) -> **PASSED**
> Scenario Result: **PASSED**
#### SCENARIO: A customer can only have one account at a bank
* A bank : `com.starcruisestudios.khaos.test.example.Bank@33a3c44a` -> **PASSED**
* A customer : `Customer(name=Jim)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer has a bank account at the bank : `AccountSummary(balance=0.0)` -> **PASSED**
* The customer creates another account at the bank. -> **DEFERRED**
* The account creation fails -> **PASSED**
> Scenario Result: **PASSED**