A direct2d overlay for AutoHotkey V1.1+ and V2+, made to be user friendly and fast. Supports 32bit and 64bit for systems running windows 7+ including the newest windows 11.
#AttachToWindow...........Attach the overlay to a window
#BeginDraw................Begins the drawing process, MUST ALWAYS start with BeginDraw(), if attached to window returns 1 if window is available, 0 otherwise
#EndDraw..................End the drawing process, MUST ALWAYS end with EndDraw()
#DrawImage................Draw an image
#DrawText.................Draws text, supports a dropshadow if a valid color is supplied
DrawText(text,x,y,size:=18,color:=0xFF000000,fontName:="Arial",extraOptions:="") #see the comments above the function in the class file for more info
#GetTextMetrics..........Get the dimensions of text
GetTextMetrics(text, size, fontName, maxWidth:=5000, maxHeight:=5000)
#SetTextRenderParams.....Set additional parameters for text
SetTextRenderParams(gamma:=1, contrast:=0, cleartype:=1, pixelGeom:=0, renderMode:=0)
#DrawEllipse..............Draws an ellipse
DrawEllipse(x, y, w, h, color, thickness:=1)
#FillEllipse..............Fills an ellipse
FillEllipse(x, y, w, h, color)
#DrawCircle...............Draw a circle
DrawCircle(x, y, radius, color, thickness:=1)
#FillCircle...............Fill a circle
FillCircle(x, y, radius, color)
#DrawRectangle............Draws a rectangle
DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, color, thickness:=1)
#FillRectangle............Fills a rectangle
FillRectangle(x, y, w, h, color)
#DrawRoundedRectangle.....Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
DrawRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, radiusX, radiusY, color, thickness:=1)
#FillRoundedRectangle.....Fill a rectangle with rounded corners
FillRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, radiusX, radiusY, color)
#DrawLine.................Draws a line from 2 positions
#DrawLines................Draws an array of lines, points must be in an array [[x,y],[x,y]] etc.
#DrawPolygon..............Draws a polygon outline, points must be in an array [[x,y],[x,y]] etc.
#FillPolygon..............Fill a polygon, points must be in an array [[x,y],[x,y]] etc.
#SetPosition..............Sets the overlay position, only when not attached
#GetImageDimensions.......Gets the width and height of a cached image
GetImageDimensions(image,byref w, byref h)
#GetMousePosition.........Gets the mouse position relative to the overlay, additionally returns true if the mouse is inside the overlay, 0 otherwise
GetMousePos(byref x, byref y, realRegionOnly:=0)
#Clear...................Clears the canvas
#RegCallback............Register a function to call when an event happens
RegCallback(func, callback) ;Size, Position, Active
#ClearCallback.........Clear a callback
- V2 now supported.
- I've only tested on my end and can confirm it works for me using 32/64 bit AHK_L (AHK V1.1) and AHK V2 on Windows 10.
- If it doesn't work for you let me know, I may be able to help, or maybe not, just depends.
Thanks for stopping by! If you really enjoy my code and want to make a small donation, then here's a link! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Spawnova
I will continue to provide code, and support released classes regardless of any monetary support, and I'd rather none is given if you are not comfortably in a position to do so!