Releases: SpawnY0815/mb-connect-openhab
Releases · SpawnY0815/mb-connect-openhab
Vehicle Images and more
- Vehicle images
- added new openHAB items for image settings
- added overview on the auth page
- added a function to download the images to your openHAB directory
- added a check for the needed auth key from your MB project
- added the option to change the name prefix and download path of the images
- added a check for the correct redirect url in the auth process
- added new openHAB item for redirect url
- updated the readme file (app=project, better description, ..)
- better error description in the script and website
- You can now customize your itemprefix according to your needs
- added a oh3 mainui widget to the examples (thanks to muelli1967)
- Auth website
- mouseover tooltips for auth data items
- you can now enter the credentials in the auth website
- you can now change the switch items in the auth page
- better error checking
- reload button
- button for copy the redirect url
First release
First release