A framework for creating Haxe language compilation targets using macros.
All you need to worry about is programming the conversion from Haxe's typed AST to your desired programming language. Reflaxe handles organizing the input AST, reading user configuration, and generating the output file(s), while also providing various configuration options and helper functions for Haxe target developers.
Topic | Description |
Automatic Installation | How to generate a Reflaxe project using the "new" command. |
Building | How to build for library for submission. |
Reflaxe Properties | How to configure unique properties for your Reflaxe project. |
Compiler Code Sample | How to code the compiler. |
CompilerInit Code Sample | How to code the init macro call. |
extraParams.hxml Sample | How to configure your library. |
compile.hxml Sample | How to use your library on other Haxe projects. |
BaseCompiler Functions | The functions used to configure your compiler's behavior and code output. |
BaseCompiler Options | Various options passed to Reflaxe for controlling your compiler's input/output. |
Reflaxe provides an easy script to help get started!
First install Reflaxe (THE 4.0.0-beta
haxelib install reflaxe 4.0.0-beta
Then run the following command to generate a new Reflaxe project:
haxelib run reflaxe new
To test your compiler, enter the directory and use Test.hxml
cd reflaxe_<langname>
haxelib run reflaxe test
If you generated your project using the Reflaxe new
script, you may notice your project has multiple source paths. One is for the compiler code, and the other is used for your language's API. Since Haxelib libraries are only allowed one source path, your project must be "built" before distribution.
To do this, simply run the build
haxelib run reflaxe build
This will make a copy of your project in the _Build/
folder, with all of the API files combined into a single directory. When submitting your project to haxelib, zip the files only in the _Build
folder and submit that.
You can also configure your multiple directories within haxelib.json
Entering into haxelib.json
, you'll find a new "reflaxe" property that should look something like this:
"reflaxe": {
"name": "Langauge",
"abbv": "lang",
"stdPaths": ["std", "std/lang/_std"]
You may add as many paths to the "stdPaths" as you like, and these will be combined together upon building the project.
For starters, you must fill out the abstract functions from DirectToStringCompiler
to define how Haxe AST is converted into a String representation of your target language.
class MyLangCompiler extends reflaxe.DirectToStringCompiler {
// fill out just these 3 functions and Reflaxe takes care of the rest
public function compileClassImpl(classType: ClassType, varFields: Array<ClassVarData>, funcFields: Array<ClassFuncData>): Null<String> {
// ...
public function compileEnumImpl(enumType: EnumType, options: Array<EnumOptionData>): Null<String> {
// ...
public function compileExpressionImpl(expr: TypedExpr, topLevel: Bool): Null<String> {
// ...
Reflaxe projects also require an initialization macro call to setup the various properties for your target. While you can add this "Start" function to your compiler class, the standard for Reflaxe projects is to have this code in a separate class:
class MyLangCompilerInit {
// call this from your library's hxml file using --macro
public static function Start() {
final options = {
fileOutputExtension: ".mylang",
outputDirDefineName: "mylang_out",
fileOutputType: FilePerClass
// pass an instance of your compiler w/ desired options
reflaxe.ReflectCompiler.AddCompiler(new MyLangCompiler(), options);
This framework is expected to be used to create Haxe libraries that "add" an output target. These Haxe libraries are then added to other projects and used to compile Haxe code to the target.
As haxelib only supports one class path per library, combine your class files for the compiler macro classes, target-specific classes, and Haxe standard lib overrides into a single folder.
Your Haxe library using Reflaxe should include an extraParams.hxml
file that:
- Defines unique definitions for your target for use in conditional compilation.
- Runs an initialization macro similar to the
function shown above.
-D mylang
--macro MyLangCompilerInit.Start()
The Haxe project that uses your library must first add it to their .hxml
file. This will cause the Haxe project to use your custom compiler target. All that is left is to define the "outputDirDefineName" define to configure the directory or filename of the output for your compiler target.
# your target will be used when your lib is included
-lib haxe-to-mylang
# set the output directory to "outputDir"
-D mylang_out=outputDir
This is the list of options that can be passed to ReflectCompiler.AddCompiler
to configure how your compiler works.
While these all have default values, it is recommended fileOutputExtension
and outputDirDefineName
are defined for your language at the bare minimum.
How the source code files are outputted.
public var fileOutputType: BaseCompilerFileOutputType = FilePerClass;
This `String` is appended to the filename for each output file.
public var fileOutputExtension: String = ".hxoutput";
This is the define that decides where the output is placed.
For example, this define will place the output in the "out" directory.
-D hxoutput=out
public var outputDirDefineName: String = "hxoutput";
If "fileOutputType" is `SingleFile`, this is the name of
the file generated if a directory is provided.
public var defaultOutputFilename: String = "output";
A list of type paths that will be ignored and not generated.
Useful in cases where you can optimize the generation of
certain Haxe classes to your target's native syntax.
For example, ignoring `haxe.iterators.ArrayIterator` and
generating to the target's native for-loop.
public var ignoreTypes: Array<String> = [];
A list of variable names that cannot be used in the
generated output. If these are used in the Haxe source,
an underscore is appended to the name in the output.
public var reservedVarNames: Array<String> = [];
The name of the function used to inject code directly
to the target. Set to `null` to disable this feature.
public var targetCodeInjectionName: Null<String> = null;
If `true`, null-safety will be enforced for all the code
compiled to the target. Useful for ensuring null is only
used on types explicitly marked as nullable.
public var enforceNullTyping: Bool = false;
If `true`, typedefs will be converted to their internal
class or enum type before being processed and generated.
public var unwrapTypedefs: Bool = true;
Whether Haxe's "Everything is an Expression" is normalized.
public var normalizeEIE: Bool = true;
Whether variables of the same name are allowed to be
redeclarated in the same scope or a subscope.
public var preventRepeatVars: Bool = true;
Whether variables captured by lambdas are wrapped in
an `Array`. Useful as certain targets can't capture and
modify a value unless stored by reference.
public var wrapLambdaCaptureVarsInArray: Bool = false;
If `true`, during the EIE normalization phase, all
instances of null coalescence are converted to a
null-check if statement.
public var convertNullCoal: Bool = false;
If `true`, during the EIE normalization phase, all
instances of prefix/postfix increment and decrement
are converted to a Binop form.
Helpful on Python-like targets that do not support
the `++` or `--` operators.
public var convertUnopIncrement: Bool = false;
When enabled, function properties that are referenced
as a value will be wrapped in a lambda.
For example this:
var fcc = String.fromCharCode
Gets converted to this:
var fcc = function(i: Int): String {
return String.fromCharCode(i);
public var wrapFunctionReferences: LambdaWrapType = ExternOnly;
If `wrapFunctionReferences` is set to either `NativeMetaOnly`
or `ExternOnly`, the metadata listed here will trigger a
function to be wrapped in a lambda.
Metadata that will modify the code that's generated for a
function at its call-site should be included here.
public var wrapFunctionMetadata: Array<String> = [
If `true`, only the module containing the "main"
function and any classes it references are compiled.
Otherwise, Haxe's less restrictive output type list is used.
public var smartDCE: Bool = false;
If `true`, any std module is only compiled if explicitly
added during compilation using:
Helpful for projects that want to be extremely
precise with what modules are compiled.
By default, no modules are compiled when this is enabled,
`onCompileStart` must be used to decide what will be
compiled first.
public var dynamicDCE: Bool = false;
A list of meta attached to "std" classes for the
custom target. Used to filter these std classes
for the "Smart DCE" option.
public var customStdMeta: Array<String> = [];
If `true`, a map of all the ModuleTypes mapped by their
relevence to the implementation are provided to
BaseCompiler's compileClass and compileEnum.
Useful for generating "import-like" content.
public var trackUsedTypes: Bool = false;
If `true`, functions from `ClassHierarchyTracker` will
be available for use. This requires some processing
prior to the start of compilation, so opting out is an option.
public var trackClassHierarchy: Bool = true;
If `true`, any old output files that are not generated
in the most recent compilation will be deleted.
A text file containing all the current output files is
saved in the output directory to help keep track.
This feature is ignored when "fileOutputType" is SingleFile.
public var deleteOldOutput: Bool = true;
If `false`, an error is thrown if a function without
a body is encountered. Typically this occurs when
an umimplemented Haxe API function is encountered.
public var ignoreBodilessFunctions: Bool = false;
If `true`, extern classes and fields are not passed to `BaseCompiler`.
public var ignoreExterns: Bool = true;
If `true`, properties that are not physical properties
are not passed to `BaseCompiler`. (i.e. both their
read and write rules are "get", "set", or "never").
public var ignoreNonPhysicalFields: Bool = true;
If `true`, the `@:meta` will be automatically handled
for classes, enums, and class fields. This meta works
like it does for Haxe/C#, allowing users to define
metadata/annotations/attributes in the target output.
@:meta(my_meta) var field = 123;
For example, the above Haxe code converts to the below
output code. Use "autoNativeMetaFormat" to configure
how the native metadata is formatted.
let field = 123;
public var allowMetaMetadata: Bool = true;
If "allowMetaMetadata" is enabled, this configures
how the metadata is generated for the output.
Use "{}" to represent the metadata content.
autoNativeMetaFormat: "[[@{}]]"
For example, setting this option to the String above
would cause Haxe `@:meta` to be converted like below:
`@:meta(my_meta)` --> `[[@my_meta]]`
public var autoNativeMetaFormat: Null<String> = null;
A list of metadata unique for the target.
It's not necessary to fill this out as metadata can
just be read directly from the AST. However, supplying
it here allows Reflaxe to validate the meta automatically,
ensuring the correct number/type of arguments are used.
public var metadataTemplates: Array<{
meta: haxe.macro.Compiler.MetadataDescription,
disallowMultiple: Bool,
paramTypes: Null<Array<MetaArgumentType>>,
compileFunc: Null<(MetadataEntry, Array<String>) -> Null<String>>
}> = [];