QCD is a workflow for microbial Illumina sequencing quality control and contamination detection implemented in Snakemake.
As part of the SOP in the Snitkin lab, this pipeline should be run on raw sequencing data as soon as the data is available from the sequencing core department.
In short, it performs the following steps:
- Fastqc is used to generate HTML reports to asses quality of sequencing reads before and after trimming reads.
- Trims and filters low-quality bases and adapter sequences from raw FASTQ reads using Trimmomatic.
- fastq-scan is used to estimate genome coverage of FASTQ files.
- Assembles trimmed reads into contigs using SPAdes.
- Kraken2 is used to provide detailed reports on the taxonomic composition of the trimmed raw reads.
- The assembled contigs from SPAdes is then passed through Prokka for annotation, QUAST for assembly statistics, MLST for determining sequence type based on sequences of housekeeping genes, AMRFinderPlus to identify antimicrobial resistance genes, skani to identify closest reference genome and BUSCO for assembly completeness statistics.
- Multiqc aggregates the final outputs from Fastqc, Kraken2 , Prokka and QUAST to produce a HTML report
The workflow generates all the output in the output prefix folder set in the config file (instructions on setup found below). Each workflow steps gets its own individual folder as shown:
|—— sample_name
| ├── amrfinder
| ├── downsample
| ├── kraken
| ├── mlst
| ├── prokka
| ├── quality_aftertrim
| ├── quality_raw
| ├── quast
| ├── raw_coverage
| ├── spades
| └── trimmomatic
└── another_sample_name
If you are using Great Lakes HPC, ensure you are cloning the repository in your scratch directory. Change
to your uniqname.
cd /scratch/esnitkin_root/esnitkin1/your_uniqname/
Clone the github directory onto your system.
git clone /~https://github.com/Snitkin-Lab-Umich/QCD.git
Ensure you have successfully cloned QCD. Type
and you should see the newly created directory QCD. Move to the newly created directory.
cd QCD
Load Bioinformatics, snakemake and singularity modules from Great Lakes modules.
module load Bioinformatics snakemake singularity
This workflow makes use of singularity containers available through State Public Health Bioinformatics group. If you are working on Great Lakes (umich cluster)—you can load snakemake and singularity modules as shown above. However, if you are running it on your local or other computing platform, ensure you have snakemake and singularity installed.
If you are just testing this pipeline, the config and sample files are already loaded with test data, so you do not need to make any additional changes to them. However, it is a good idea to change the prefix (name of your output folder) in the config file to give you an idea of what variables need to be modified when running your own samples on QCD.
As an input, the snakemake file takes a config file where you can set the path to sample.csv
, path to your raw sequencing reads, path to adapter fasta file etc. Instructions on how to modify config/config.yaml
is found in config.yaml
Add samples to config/sample.csv
following the explanation provided below. sample.csv
should be a comma seperated file consisting of two columns—sample_id
and illumina_r1
is the prefix that should be extracted from your FASTQ reads. For example, in your raw FASTQ files directory, if you have a file calledRush_KPC_110_R1.fastq.gz
, your sample_id would beRush_KPC_110
. -
is the name of the entire raw FASTQ file. In the same directory, if your file is calledRush_KPC_110_R1.fastq.gz
, your sample_id would beRush_KPC_110_R1.fastq.gz
. Only include forward reads.
You can create sample.csv file using the following for loop. Replace path_to_your_raw_reads below with the actual path to your raw sequencing reads.
echo "sample_id,illumina_r1" > config/sample.csv
for read1 in path_to_your_raw_reads/*_R1.fastq.gz; do
sample_id=$(basename $read1 | sed 's/_R1.fastq.gz//g')
read1_basename=$(basename $read1)
echo $sample_id,$read1_basename
done >> config/sample.csv
Reduce the walltime (to ~6 hours) in config/cluster.json
to ensure the jobs are being submitted in a timely manner.
Start an interactive session before you run the pipeline.
salloc --mem-per-cpu=10G --account=esnitkin1
Preview the steps in QCD by performing a dryrun of the pipeline.
snakemake -s QCD.smk --dryrun -p
Run QCD locally
snakemake -s QCD.smk -p --configfile config/config.yaml --cores all
Run QCD on Great lakes HPC
snakemake -s QCD.smk -p --use-conda --use-singularity --use-envmodules -j 999 --cluster "sbatch -A {cluster.account} -p {cluster.partition} -N {cluster.nodes} -t {cluster.walltime} -c {cluster.procs} --mem-per-cpu {cluster.pmem} --output=slurm_out/slurm-%j.out" --conda-frontend conda --cluster-config config/cluster.json --configfile config/config.yaml --latency-wait 1000 --nolock
Submit QCD as a batch job.
Change these SBATCH
commands: --job-name
to a more descriptive name like run_QCD, --mail-user
to your email address, --time
depending on the number of samples you have (should be more than what you specified in cluster.json
). Feel free to make changes to the other flags if you are comfortable doing so. Once you have made the necessary changes, save the below script as run_QCD.sbat
. Don't forget to submit QCD to Slurm! sbatch run_QCD.sbat
#SBATCH --job-name=QCD
#SBATCH --mail-user=youremail@umich.edu
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=10gb
#SBATCH --time=06:15:00
#SBATCH --account=esnitkin1
#SBATCH --partition=standard
# Load necessary modules
module load Bioinformatics
module load snakemake singularity
# Run Snakemake
snakemake -s QCD.smk -p --use-conda --use-singularity --use-envmodules -j 999 --cluster "sbatch -A {cluster.account} -p {cluster.partition} -N {cluster.nodes} -t {cluster.walltime} -c {cluster.procs} --mem-per-cpu {cluster.pmem} --output=slurm_out/slurm-%j.out" --conda-frontend conda --cluster-config config/cluster.json --configfile config/config.yaml --latency-wait 1000 --nolock