Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning Homeworks of 2023
In this homework we are asked to classify plants (like the ones in the example image below) that are divided into two categories according to their state of health. It is a binary classification problem, so the goal is to predict the correct class label in {0, 1}. Here's the available data: Data.
Our model achived an accuracy of 86.2% that place us around the top-20 of groups.
For more information refer to the report.
In this homework we were asked to predict future samples of 60 input time series of length 200, by designing and implementing a forecasting model able to learn how to exploit past observations in the input sequences to correctly predict the future (9 samples for the “development” phase and 18 for the “final”).
Our model achived a mse of 0.00468272 in the development phase and 0.00863581 in the final phase that place us 13th among all groups.
For more information refer to the report.