zMultilogue is a Multi-NPC dialogue system for Gothic 1 and Gothic 2 NotR, based on the solution form AFSP Trialogue package. Its goal is to replace Trialoue packages based on Ikarus and LeGo with an union-based plugin.
- System for creating dialogues with multiple NPCs that doesn't fuck up AI queue
- Script interface based on the LeGo Trialogue package (easy to port dialogues)
- Automatic increasing of dialog-box display distance if NPC is too far
- Implement the basic functionality of the multilogue system
- Increase the default display dialogue distance if needed
- Advanced camera system
- Gothic 1 compatibility
Documentation of a project is provided as a GitHub wiki.
If you have found a bug in zMultilogue, please create an issue.
You can contact the authors and maintainers on Discord. Look for @muczciwek.
Biggest community of international Gothic modders.
Official Discord of Nek's History, the mod we are working on and started zMultilogue for it.
zMultilogue is licensed under MIT license excluding some dependencies.
union-api and gothic-api are licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3.
GothicVDFS 2.6 Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Nico Bendlin, Copyright (c) 1994-2002, Peter Sabath / TRIACOM Software GmbH