Building an OpenSource repo for guiding NOOBS --to-> PRO in QuantumAI π
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- Intermediate Machine Learning and Deep Learning Knowledge.
- Basic idea about Quantum Mechanics
β‘οΈ Read the 0-ReadFIRST.ipynb
to understand the required terminolgies that you will be encountering in the listed problems.
Problem 1 : Flip a single bit (0 to 1 or 1 to 0) using a quantum gate
Problem 2 : Creating superposition using the Hadamard (H) Gate
Problem 3 : Create an entangled Bell State using CNOT Gate
Problem 4 : Quantum Teleportation - Transfer the state of one qubit to another, using entanglement and classical communication.
Problem 5 : Quantum State Classification - Introduces the idea of classifying quantum states based on measurement outcomes.
Problem 6 : Quantum Feature Encoding - The task is to encode classical data (e.g., a numerical feature) into a quantum state.
Problem 7 : Quantum Nearest Neighbour(QNN) - Compare quantum states and classify a new data point based on its similarity to a set of labeled quantum states.
Problem 8 : Quantum Principal Component Analysis (QPCA) - Task is to find the principal components of a dataset encoded as quantum states.
Problem 8.1 : Quantum Principal Component Analysis (QPCA) Application on a generated dataset - Apply QPCA techniques on a small generated dataset.
Problem 9 : Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) - Using QSVM determine the accuracy of a basic generated dataset.
Problem 9.1 : Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) - Application of QSVM on Iris Dataset
Problem 9.2 : Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) - Application of QSVM with PennyLane.
< List will be updated as added >
- The Road to Quantum Artificial Intelligence
- Quantum Neuron: an elementary building block for machine learning on quantum computers
- Quantum algorithms for supervised and unsupervised machine learning
- Quantum Artificial Intelligence: A Brief Survey
- Quantum Machine Learning Book by S Pattanayak - Get this book from this repo.
- Overall Summarised Concepts -
- Lecture Material PDF resources to learn /~
- Understand the DIRAC NOTATIONS and the basic representations here -
- Introduction to Quantum Computing by Qiskit -
- Quantum Machine Learning by Peter Wittek -
- Quantum Machine Learning by Seth Lloyd (MIT) -
- /~
Connect with me on Linkedin - @shreyanbasuray πͺ©
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