🌝 Resource Access Management --- Grant User Authorities-Roles-Details Service 🌚
RAM-GUARDS is a service help you manage users' resources easier and more flexible in spring boot framework. And it provides a best practice to manager users' resources under spring cloud micro service framework.
In RAM-GUARDS, each user has a three level authority control: authorities-roles-details, resources are under control by authority level and you can select and customize the other level, which gives system designers a lot flexibility. Also you can imeplent your own authorities-roles-details service by DB, webservice or any other way you want. And for ibmers, you can simply use esw-ram provider to manage your authorities-roles-details which RAM-GUARDS default supports.
Developers can also use RAM-GUARDS easily with just a few configurations by two spring boot starter: ram-guards-authorization-server-spring-boot-starter
and ram-guards-resource-server-spring-boot-starter
For ibmers: For ibmers who use ibm-id to provide authentication and esw-ram to provide users' authorities-roles-details service, we also provide a ibmid-resource-server-spring-boot-starter
and a ram-guards-zuul-esw-provider-spring-cloud-starter
to help developers configurate easier with spring cloud micro service framework under ibm-id oidc protect.
RAM-GUARDS currently only supports java8+, spring boot 2.1.0+
- Three level authority, you can select any levels you want
- Customize details level, give you more flexibility
- Customize service to get your own users' resources(with restful api, db, etc.)
- JWE encryption through communication
- Redis cache to speed up request
- A
implements OAuth2 password and refresh token grant type - A
implements spring security to protect your endpoints and users' resources - For ibmers: A
to provide authentication add protect your spring boot application under ibm-id oidc in OAuth2 resource server way. - For ibmers: A
to provide authentication add protect your spring boot application under ibm-id oidc in OAuth2 client way. - For ibmers: A
to help developers configurate easier with spring cloud micro service framework using esw-ram authorities-roles-details service provider. - For ibmers: Provide ibm system partner usage with a simple and secure way.(different from ibm users usage)
- For authorization server:
- How to configurate and use your RAM-GUARDS authorization server with
👉 🌒
- How to configurate and use your RAM-GUARDS authorization server with
- For resource server:
- How to configurate and use your RAM-GUARDS resource server with
👉 🌓
- How to configurate and use your RAM-GUARDS resource server with
- For spring cloud:
- What is the best practice to manage users' resources with spring cloud micro service framework using RAM-GUARDS 👉 🌔
- For using ibm-id authentication:
- How to configurate and use your spring boot application under ibm-id oidc protection in OAuth2 resource server way with
👉 🌕 - How to configurate and use your spring boot application under ibm-id oidc protection in OAuth2 client way with
👉 🌖
- How to configurate and use your spring boot application under ibm-id oidc protection in OAuth2 resource server way with
- For using esw-ram provider:
- How to configurate and use your spring cloud zuul using esw-ram authorities-roles-details service provider with
RAM-GUARDS zuul esw provider spring cloud starter
👉 🌗
- How to configurate and use your spring cloud zuul using esw-ram authorities-roles-details service provider with
- For using system partner call:
- How to use system partner call in RAM-GUARDS 👉 🌘
- A PPT of RAM-GUARDS sharing:
- RAM-GUARDS sharing 👉 🌑
First read the documentation above to do some requisite configuration
Run eureka server
- run
./gradlew bootJar -p ram-guards-sample-eureka-server
- run
java -jar ram-guards-sample-eureka-server/build/libs/ram-guards-sample-eureka-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-boot.jar
- run
Run RAM-GUARDS authorization server
- run
./gradlew bootJar -p ram-guards-sample-authorization-server
- run
java -jar ram-guards-sample-authorization-server/build/libs/ram-guards-sample-authorization-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-boot.jar
- run
Run RAM-GUARDS resource server
- run
./gradlew bootJar -p ram-guards-sample-resource-server
- run
java -jar ram-guards-sample-resource-server/build/libs/ram-guards-sample-resource-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-boot.jar
- run
Run RAM-GUARDS esw-ram provider zuul
- run
./gradlew bootJar -p ram-guards-sample-zuul
- run
java -jar ram-guards-sample-zuul/build/libs/ram-guards-sample-zuul-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-boot.jar
- run
- Send request to get RAM-GUARDS access_token and refresh_token:
POST /authorize/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8769
Header: Authorization: Bearer {ibm_id_id_token_here}
Params: grant_type=password
- Send request to refresh RAM-GUARDS access_token and refresh_token:
POST /authorize/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8769
Header: Authorization: Bearer {ibm_id_id_token_here}
Params: grant_type=refresh_token
- Send request to access RAM-GUARDS resource server and get authorities-roles-details:
GET /client/hi HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8769
Header: Authorization: Bearer {ibm_id_id_token_here}
Ram-Guards: {RAM_GUARDS_access_token_here}