Live Link: (updated) NewMoonTech **
- Redux, react-redux, installation process
- Redux structure
- actions
- actionTypes
- middleware
- reducers
- thunk
- store
- createStore()
- composeWithDevTools()
- applyMiddleware()
- Provider, useSelector
- Root reducer
- combineReducers()
- Middleware
- redux-thunk,
- redux-devtools
- applyMiddleware()
- Redux-thunk
- load product data with realtime update in UI
- add a product in data with realtime update in UI
- delete a product from data with realtime update in UI
- Custom middleware
- currying function
- Added to filter products :
- In stock, brands
- Three Redux-thunk function used :
- To load product, add product and delete product
- UI :
- In stock, brands:
- Dashboard :
- Add product form
- Product List for to manage product