The RentalCar application, which provides services for the provision of cars for rent in Ukraine.
(This is a simple program designed as a test project.)
The application consists of three main pages.
Home page with a general description of the services provided by the company.
A page containing a catalog of cars of various configurations, which the user can filter by brand, price per hour of car rental and the number of kilometers covered by the car during its operation (mileage).
A page with ads that have been added to favorites by the user.
Modal window with rental conditions and detailed characteristics of the selected car.
- React
- React Router Dom
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux Persist
- React-select
- Axios
- Styled Components
- Notiflix and other
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Follow these steps to set up and run the RentalCar App locally:
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone /~
Navigate to the project folder:
cd your-repo-name
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the application:
npm start
Created by Serhii Repinskyi
- GitHub: SerhiiRepinskyi
- LinkedIn: Serhii Repinskyi
This project is licensed under the MIT License.