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Run Sentieon pipelines on the Google Cloud Platform

Easy to use pipelines for the Sentieon tools on the Google Cloud

For a tutorial, see Google's tutorial on running a Sentieon DNAseq pipeline. For more customized pipelines and additional details on the Sentieon software, please visit

Table of Contents

  • Easily run the Sentieon Pipelines on the Google Cloud.
  • Pipelines are optimized by Sentieon to be well-tuned for efficiently processing WES and WGS samples.
  • All Sentieon pipelines and variant callers are available including DNAseq, DNAscope, TNseq, and TNscope
  • Matching results to the GATK Germline and Somatic Best Practices Pipelines
  • Automatic 14-day free-trial of the Sentieon software on the Google Cloud
  1. Install Python 2.7+.
  2. Select or create a GCP project.
  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud Platform project.
  4. Enable the Cloud Life Sciences, Compute Engine, and Cloud Storage APIs.
  5. Install and initialize the Cloud SDK.
  6. Update and install gcloud components:
gcloud components update &&
gcloud components install alpha
  1. Install git to download the required files.
  2. By default, Compute Engine has resource quotas in place to prevent inadvertent usage. By increasing quotas, you can launch more virtual machines concurrently, increasing throughput and reducing turnaround time. For best results in this tutorial, you should request additional quota above your project's default. Recommendations for quota increases are provided in the following list, as well as the minimum quotas needed to run the tutorial. Make your quota requests in the us-central1 region: CPUs: 64 Persistent Disk Standard (GB): 375 You can leave other quota request fields empty to keep your current quotas.

Setup a Python virtualenv to manage the environment. First, install virtualenv if necessary

pip install --upgrade virtualenv

Install the required Python dependencies

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade \
    pyyaml \
    google-api-python-client \
    google-auth \
    google-cloud-storage \

Download the pipeline script and move into the new directory.

git clone /~
cd sentieon-google-genomics

The runner script accepts a JSON file as input. In the repository you downloaded, there is an examples/example.json file with the following content:

  "FQ1": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/inputs/test1_1.fastq.gz",
  "FQ2": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/inputs/test1_2.fastq.gz",
  "REF": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/hs37d5.fa",
  "ZONES": "us-central1-a,us-central1-b,us-central1-c,us-central1-f",

The following table describes the JSON keys in the file:

JSON key Description
FQ1 The first pair of reads in the input fastq file.
FQ2 The second pair of reads in the input fastq file.
BAM The input BAM file, if applicable.
REF The reference genome. If set, the reference index files are assumed to exist.
OUTPUT_BUCKET The bucket and directory used to store the data output from the pipeline.
ZONES A comma-separated list of GCP zones to use for the worker node.
PROJECT_ID Your GCP project ID.
REQUESTER_PROJECT A project to bill when transferring data from Requester Pays buckets.
EMAIL Your email

The FQ1, FQ2, REF, and ZONES fields will work with the defaults. However, the OUTPUT_BUCKET, PROJECT_ID, REQUESTER_PROJECT, and EMAIL fields will need to be updated to point to your specific output bucket/path, Project ID, and email address.

Edit the OUTPUT_BUCKET, PROJECT_ID, REQUESTER_PROJECT, and EMAIL fields in the examples/example.json to your output bucket/path, the GCP Project ID that you setup earlier, and email you want associated with your Sentieon license. By supplying the EMAIL field, your PROJECT_ID will automatically receive a 14 day free trial for the Sentieon software on the Google Cloud.

You after modifying the examples/example.json file, you can use the following command to run the DNAseq pipeline on a small test dataset.

python runner/ --requester_project $PROJECT_ID  examples/example.json

The --requester_project argument will configure the software to use the specified PROJECT_ID when polling input files locally. Alternatively, you might set --no_check_inputs_exist to skip input file polling.

If execution is successful, the runner script will print some logging information followed by Operation succeeded to the terminal. Output files from the pipeline can then be found in the OUTPUT_BUCKET location in Google Cloud Storage including alignment (BAM) files, variant calls, sample metrics and logging information.

In the event of run failure, some diagnostic information will be printed to the screen followed by an error message. For assistance, please send the diagnostic information along with any log files in OUTPUT_BUCKET/worker_logs/ to

In the examples directory, you can find the following example configurations:

Configuration Pipeline
100x_wes.json DNAseq pipeline from FASTQ to VCF for Whole Exome Sequencing Data
30x_wgs.json DNAseq pipeline from FASTQ to VCF for Whole Genome Sequencing Data
tn_example.json TNseq pipeline from FASTQ to VCF for Tumor Normal Pairs

Below are some recommended configurations for some common use-cases. The cost and runtime estimates below assume that jobs are run on preemptible instances that were not preempted during job execution.

The following configuration will run a 30x human genome at a cost of approximately $1.35 and will take about 2 hours. This configuration can also be used to run a 100x whole exome at a cost of approximately $0.30 and will take about 35 minutes.

  "FQ1": "gs://my-bucket/sample1_1.fastq.gz",
  "FQ2": "gs://my-bucket/sample1._2.fastq.gz",
  "REF": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/hs37d5.fa",
  "ZONES": "us-central1-a,us-central1-b,us-central1-c,us-central1-f",
  "BQSR_SITES": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf.gz,gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/1000G_phase1.indels.b37.vcf.gz,gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz",
  "DBSNP": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz",
  "STREAM_INPUT": "True",
  "DISK_SIZE": 300,
  "CALLING_ALGO": "Haplotyper"

The CALLING_ALGO key can be changed to DNAscope to use the Sentieon DNAscope variant caller for improved variant calling accuracy. For large input files, DISK_SIZE should be increased.

The following configuration will run a paired 60-30x human genome at a cost of approximately $3.70 and will take about 7 hours. This configuration can also be used to run a paired 150-150x human exome at a cost of approximately $0.60 and will take about 1.5 hours.

  "TUMOR_FQ1": "gs://my-bucket/tumor1_1.fastq.gz",
  "TUMOR_FQ2": "gs://my-bucket/tumor1_2.fastq.gz",
  "FQ1": "gs://my-bucket/normal1_1.fastq.gz",
  "FQ2": "gs://my-bucket/normal1._2.fastq.gz",
  "REF": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/hs37d5.fa",
  "ZONES": "us-central1-a,us-central1-b,us-central1-c,us-central1-f",
  "BQSR_SITES": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf.gz,gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/1000G_phase1.indels.b37.vcf.gz,gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz",
  "DBSNP": "gs://sentieon-test/pipeline_test/reference/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz",
  "STREAM_INPUT": "True",
  "DISK_SIZE": 300,
  "CALLING_ALGO": "TNhaplotyper"

The CALLING_ALGO key key can be change to TNsnv, TNhaplotyper, TNhaplotyper2, or TNscope to use Sentieon's TNsnv, TNhaplotyper, TNhaplotyper2 or TNscope variant callers, respectively. For large input files, DISK_SIZE should be increased.

JSON Key Description
FQ1 A comma-separated list of input R1 FASTQ files
FQ2 A comma-separated list of input R2 FASTQ files
READGROUP A comma-separted list of readgroups headers to add to the read data during alignment
BAM A comma-separated list of input BAM files
REF The path to the reference genome
BQSR_SITES A comma-separated list of known sites for BQSR
DBSNP A dbSNP file to use during variant calling
INTERVAL A string of interval(s) to use during variant calling
INTERVAL_FILE A file of intervals(s) to use during variant calling
DNASCOPE_MODEL A trained model to use during DNAscope variant calling
JSON Key Description
ZONES GCE Zones to potentially launch the job in
DISK_SIZE The size of the hard disk to use (should be 3x the size of the input files)
MACHINE_TYPE The type of GCE machine to use to run the pipeline
JSON Key Description
SENTIEON_VERSION The version of the Sentieon software package to use
DEDUP Type of duplicate removal to run (nodup, markdup or rmdup)
NO_METRICS Skip running metrics collection
NO_BAM_OUTPUT Skip outputting a preprocessed BAM file
NO_HAPLOTYPER Skip variant calling
GVCF_OUTPUT Output variant calls in gVCF format rather than VCF format
STREAM_INPUT Stream the input FASTQ files directly from Google Cloud Storage
RECALIBRATED_OUTPUT Apply BQSR to the output preprocessed alignments (not recommended)
CALLING_ARGS A string of additional arguments to pass to the variant caller
PIPELINE Set to GERMLINE to run the germline variant calling pipeline
CALLING_ALGO The Sentieon variant calling algo to run. Either Haplotyper or DNAscope
JSON Key Description
OUTPUT_BUCKET The Google Cloud Storage Bucket and path prefix to use for the output files
EMAIL An email address to use to obtain an evaluation license for your GCP Project
SENTIEON_KEY Your Sentieon license key (only applicable for paying customers)
PROJECT_ID Your GCP Project ID to use when running jobs
REQUESTER_PROJECT A project to bill when transferring data from Requester Pays buckets
PREEMPTIBLE_TRIES Number of attempts to run the pipeline using preemptible instances
NONPREEMPTIBLE_TRY After PREEMPTIBLE_TRIES are exhausted, whether to try one additional run with standard instances
JSON Key Description
TUMOR_FQ1 A comma-separated list of input R1 tumor FASTQ files
TUMOR FQ2 A comma-separated list of input R2 tumor FASTQ files
FQ1 A comma-separated list of input R1 normal FASTQ files
FQ2 A comma-separated list of input R2 normal FASTQ files
TUMOR_READGROUP A comma-separted list of readgroups headers to add to the tumor read data during alignment
READGROUP A comma-separted list of readgroups headers to add to the normal read data during alignment
TUMOR_BAM A comma-separated list of input tumor BAM files
BAM A comma-separated list of input normal BAM files
REF The path to the reference genome
BQSR_SITES A comma-separated list of known sites for BQSR
DBSNP A dbSNP file to use during variant calling
INTERVAL A string of interval(s) to use during variant calling
INTERVAL_FILE A file of intervals(s) to use during variant calling
JSON Key Description
ZONES GCE Zones to potentially launch the job in
DISK_SIZE The size of the hard disk to use (should be 3x the size of the input files)
MACHINE_TYPE The type of GCE machine to use to run the pipeline
JSON Key Description
SENTIEON_VERSION The version of the Sentieon software package to use
DEDUP Type of duplicate removal to run (nodup, markdup or rmdup)
NO_METRICS Skip running metrics collection
NO_BAM_OUTPUT Skip outputting a preprocessed BAM file
NO_VCF Skip variant calling
STREAM_INPUT Stream the input FASTQ files directly from Google Cloud Storage
RECALIBRATED_OUTPUT Apply BQSR to the output preprocessed alignments (not recommended)
CALLING_ARGS A string of additional arguments to pass to the variant caller
PIPELINE Set to SOMATIC to run the somatic variant calling pipeline
RUN_TNSNV If using the TNseq pipeline, use TNsnv for variant calling
CALLING_ALGO The Sentieon somatic variant calling algo to run. Either TNsnv, TNhaplotyper, TNhaplotyper2, or TNscope
JSON Key Description
OUTPUT_BUCKET The Google Cloud Storage Bucket and path prefix to use for the output files
EMAIL An email address to use to obtain an evaluation license for your GCP Project
SENTIEON_KEY Your Sentieon license key (only applicable for paying customers)
PROJECT_ID Your GCP Project ID to use when running jobs
REQUESTER_PROJECT A project to bill when transferring data from Requester Pays buckets
PREEMPTIBLE_TRIES Number of attempts to run the pipeline using preemptible instances
NONPREEMPTIBLE_TRY After PREEMPTIBLE_TRIES are exhausted, whether to try one additional run with standard instances

Please email with any questions.