Easily control a Teledyne-LeCroy oscilloscope from Python. The package is designed to be easy to use and user-friendly, returning the data types that you want to handle (lists, numpy arrays, etc) instead of bytes.
To install this package:
pip install git+/~https://github.com/SengerM/TeledyneLeCroyPy
This package requires pyvisa.
Simple example:
import TeledyneLeCroyPy
o = TeledyneLeCroyPy.LeCroyWaveRunner('TCPIP0::blah.bla.blah.bla::inst0::INSTR')
print(o.idn) # Prings e.g. LECROY,WAVERUNNER9254M,LCRY4751N40408,9.2.0
print('Waiting for trigger...')
o.wait_for_single_trigger() # Halt the execution until there is a trigger.
data = o.get_waveform(n_channel=n_channel)
More interesting example, acquire data from two channels and plot it:
import TeledyneLeCroyPy
import plotly.express as px
import pandas
o = TeledyneLeCroyPy.LeCroyWaveRunner('TCPIP0::')
print(o.idn) # Check the connection.
print('Waiting for trigger...')
data = {}
for n_channel in [2,3]:
data[n_channel] = o.get_waveform(n_channel=n_channel)
wf = []
for n_channel in data:
for i,_ in enumerate(data[n_channel]['waveforms']):
df = pandas.DataFrame(_)
df['n_segment'] = i
df['n_channel'] = n_channel
wf = pandas.concat(wf)
fig = px.line(
x = 'Time (s)',
y = 'Amplitude (V)',
color = 'n_segment',
facet_col = 'n_channel',
markers = True,
fig.write_html('deleteme.html') # Open this plot to visualize the waveform(s).
The previous example should work either with TimeBase
as well
as with TimeBase
with any number of sequences.
The reconstruction of the waveform data is already implemented within this package, taking care of the proper time alignment of each sample and the correct vertical reconstruction. Here an example: