Firestore.ORM is a lightweight object-relational mapping (ORM) product for Firebase.Firestore : It provides an additional layer of abstraction on top of the existing Firestore SDK
One of the main advantages of this library is to provide a solid model structure base in order to ensure the integrity of the data present in Firestore. It also provides utility methods encapsulating the SDK functions in order to simplify writing and reading, serialization and synchronization. It sits on top of the official Firebase SDK, it's not intended to replace it. The ORM exposes the parts of the SDK it uses in a way that it remains usable within the project.
- All class from the model must derive from the type
. This abstract class is wrapping data provided by the SDK (such asGoogle.Cloud.Firestore.DocumentReference
) and additional data provided by the ORM, such as a list of corruption errors if the data obtained from Firebase does not match the structure expected.
public class User : FirestoreDocument
public User(DocumentReference reference) : base(reference)
public string Email
public string Firstname
[Field("phone", FieldNullability.Nullable)]
public string Phone
public int Role
} = 1;
public List<DocumentReference> Claims
The initialization function establishes the connection with Firebase and introspects the code to discover the model.
Initialize(string projectId, FirestoreClient client, Assembly assembly,
MappingBehavior mappingBehavior = MappingBehavior.Strict)
The assembly parameter indicates the assembly where the model is located. mappingBehavior corresponds to the level of tolerance that the ORM adopts when remote data structure is not valid compared to the model. In the case of strict tolerance, the ORM throws if any data is corrupted.
var client = new FirestoreClientBuilder
CredentialsPath = "credentials.json"
FirestoreManager.Instance.Initialize("my-project", client, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
IEnumerable<User> userCollection = await FirestoreManager.Instance.Collection("users").GetAsync<User>();
CollectionReference collection = FirestoreManager.Instance.Collection("users");
SnapshotListener<User> userListener = new SnapshotListener<User>();
userListener.OnItemChange += ...
userListener.OnItemsUpdated += ...
First fetch the collection and start to listen to the changes
await userListener.FetchAndListen();
Provide a snapshot of the collection,
internal collection inside the listener is still in real time
List<User> users = userListener.GetItems().ToList();
User? user = users.Find(x=> x.Firstname == "John");
user.Firstname = "Peter";
if (user.Phone.Contains("+33"))
User newUser = new User(collection.Document());
newUser.Name = "Maria";
Incident management allows you to verify that the data present in Firebase respects the structure expected by the model. It ensures the structuring of data. This feature is only available with mappingBehavior : 'MappingBehavior.Souple'.
IncidentManager.OnIncident += OnIncident;
static void OnIncident(Incident incident)
switch (incident)
case MissingFieldIncident missingFieldIncident:
// Solve missing field on document
case InvalidFieldTypeIncident invalidFieldTypeIncident:
// Solve wrong field type on document
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Marius Lumbroso Author (/~ |