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TorkelE committed Dec 4, 2023
1 parent 847077b commit 962df80
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Showing 3 changed files with 243 additions and 4 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/Catalyst.jl
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Expand Up @@ -114,20 +114,21 @@ export hc_steady_states

### Spatial Reaction Networks ###

# spatial reactions
# Spatial reactions.
export TransportReaction, TransportReactions, @transport_reaction
export isedgeparameter

# lattice reaction systems
# Lattice reaction systems
export LatticeReactionSystem
export spatial_species, vertex_parameters, edge_parameters

# variosu utility functions
# Various utility functions

# spatial lattice ode systems.
# Specific spatial problem types.

end # module
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions src/spatial_reaction_systems/lattice_jump_systems.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
### JumpProblem ###

# Builds a spatial DiscreteProblem from a Lattice Reaction System.
function DiffEqBase.DiscreteProblem(lrs::LatticeReactionSystem, u0_in, tspan, p_in = DiffEqBase.NullParameters(), args...; kwargs...)
is_transport_system(lrs) || error("Currently lattice Jump simulations only supported when all spatial reactions are transport reactions.")

# Converts potential symmaps to varmaps
# Vertex and edge parameters may be given in a tuple, or in a common vector, making parameter case complicated.
u0_in = symmap_to_varmap(lrs, u0_in)
p_in = (p_in isa Tuple{<:Any,<:Any}) ?
(symmap_to_varmap(lrs, p_in[1]),symmap_to_varmap(lrs, p_in[2])) :
symmap_to_varmap(lrs, p_in)

# Converts u0 and p to their internal forms.
# u0 is [spec 1 at vert 1, spec 2 at vert 1, ..., spec 1 at vert 2, ...].
u0 = lattice_process_u0(u0_in, species(lrs), lrs.num_verts)
# Both vert_ps and edge_ps becomes vectors of vectors. Each have 1 element for each parameter.
# These elements are length 1 vectors (if the parameter is uniform),
# or length num_verts/nE, with unique values for each vertex/edge (for vert_ps/edge_ps, respectively).
vert_ps, edge_ps = lattice_process_p(p_in, vertex_parameters(lrs), edge_parameters(lrs), lrs)

# Returns a DiscreteProblem.
# Previously, a Tuple was used for (vert_ps, edge_ps), but this was converted to a Vector internally.
return DiscreteProblem(, u0, tspan, [vert_ps, edge_ps], args...; kwargs...)

# Builds a spatial JumpProblem from a DiscreteProblem containg a Lattice Reaction System.
function JumpProcesses.JumpProblem(lrs::LatticeReactionSystem, dprob, aggregator, args...; name = nameof(,
combinatoric_ratelaws = get_combinatoric_ratelaws(, kwargs...)
# Error checks.
(dprob.p isa Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}) || dprob.p isa Vector{Vector} || error("Parameters in input DiscreteProblem is of an unexpected type: $(typeof(dprob.p)). Was a LatticeReactionProblem passed into the DiscreteProblem when it was created?") # The second check (Vector{Vector} is needed becaus on the CI server somehow the Tuple{..., ...} is covnerted into a Vector[..., ...]). It does not happen when I run tests locally, so no ideal how to fix.
any(length.(dprob.p[1]) .> 1) && error("Spatial reaction rates are currently not supported in lattice jump simulations.")

# Computes hopping constants and mass action jumps (requires some internal juggling).
# The non-spatial DiscreteProblem have a u0 matrix with entries for all combinations of species and vertexes.
# Currently, JumpProcesses requires uniform vertex parameters (hence `p=first.(dprob.p[1])`).
hopping_constants = make_hopping_constants(dprob, lrs)
non_spat_dprob = DiscreteProblem(reshape(dprob.u0, lrs.num_species, lrs.num_verts), dprob.tspan, first.(dprob.p[1]))
majumps = make_majumps(non_spat_dprob,

return JumpProblem(non_spat_dprob, aggregator, majumps;
hopping_constants, spatial_system = lrs.lattice, name, kwargs...)

# Creates the hopping constants from a discrete problem and a lattice reaction system.
function make_hopping_constants(dprob::DiscreteProblem, lrs::LatticeReactionSystem)
# Creates the all_diff_rates vector, containing for each species, its transport rate across all edges.
# If transport rate is uniform for one species, the vector have a single element, else one for each edge.
spatial_rates_dict = Dict(compute_all_transport_rates(dprob.p[1], dprob.p[2], lrs))
all_diff_rates = [haskey(spatial_rates_dict, s) ? spatial_rates_dict[s] : [0.0] for s in species(lrs)]

# Creates the hopping constant Matrix. It contains one element for each combination of species and vertex.
# Each element is a Vector, containing the outgoing hopping rates for that species, from that vertex, on that edge.
hopping_constants = [Vector{Float64}(undef, length(lrs.lattice.fadjlist[j]))
for i in 1:(lrs.num_species), j in 1:(lrs.num_verts)]

# For each edge, finds each position in `hopping_constants`.
for (e_idx, e) in enumerate(edges(lrs.lattice))
dst_idx = findfirst(isequal(e.dst), lrs.lattice.fadjlist[e.src])
# For each species, sets that hopping rate.
for s_idx in 1:(lrs.num_species)
hopping_constants[s_idx, e.src][dst_idx] = get_component_value(all_diff_rates[s_idx], e_idx)

return hopping_constants

# Creates the (non-spatial) mass action jumps from a (non-spatial) DiscreteProblem (and its Reaction System of origin).
function make_majumps(non_spat_dprob, rs::ReactionSystem)
# Computes various required inputs for assembling the mass action jumps.
js = convert(JumpSystem, rs)
statetoid = Dict(ModelingToolkit.value(state) => i for (i, state) in enumerate(states(rs)))
eqs = equations(js)
invttype = non_spat_dprob.tspan[1] === nothing ? Float64 : typeof(1 / non_spat_dprob.tspan[2])

# Assembles the mass action jumps.
p = (non_spat_dprob.p isa DiffEqBase.NullParameters || non_spat_dprob.p === nothing) ? Num[] : non_spat_dprob.p
majpmapper = ModelingToolkit.JumpSysMajParamMapper(js, p; jseqs = eqs, rateconsttype = invttype)
return ModelingToolkit.assemble_maj(eqs.x[1], statetoid, majpmapper)
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions test/spatial_reaction_systems/lattice_reaction_systems_jumps.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
### Preparations ###

# Fetch packages.
using JumpProcesses
using Random, Statistics, SparseArrays, Test

# Fetch test networks.

### Correctness Tests ###

# Tests that there are no errors during runs for a variety of input forms.
for grid in [small_2d_grid, short_path, small_directed_cycle]
for srs in [Vector{TransportReaction}(), SIR_srs_1, SIR_srs_2]
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(SIR_system, srs, grid)
u0_1 = [:S => 999, :I => 1, :R => 0]
u0_2 = [:S => round.(Int64, 500.0 .+ 500.0 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice)), :I => 1, :R => 0, ]
u0_3 = [:S => 950, :I => round.(Int64, 50 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice)), :R => round.(Int64, 50 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice))]
u0_4 = [:S => round.(500.0 .+ 500.0 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice)), :I => round.(50 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice)), :R => round.(50 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice))]
u0_5 = make_u0_matrix(u0_3, vertices(lrs.lattice), map(s -> Symbol(s.f), species(
for u0 in [u0_1, u0_2, u0_3, u0_4, u0_5]
p1 = [ => 0.1 / 1000, => 0.01]
p2 = [ => 0.1 / 1000, => 0.02 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice)]
p3 = [
=> 0.1 / 2000 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice),
=> 0.02 * rand_v_vals(lrs.lattice),
p4 = make_u0_matrix(p1, vertices(lrs.lattice), Symbol.(parameters(
for pV in [p1] #, p2, p3, p4] # Removed until spatial non-diffusion parameters are supported.
pE_1 = map(sp -> sp => 0.01, ModelingToolkit.getname.(edge_parameters(lrs)))
pE_2 = map(sp -> sp => 0.01, ModelingToolkit.getname.(edge_parameters(lrs)))
pE_3 = map(sp -> sp => rand_e_vals(lrs.lattice, 0.01), ModelingToolkit.getname.(edge_parameters(lrs)))
pE_4 = make_u0_matrix(pE_3, edges(lrs.lattice), ModelingToolkit.getname.(edge_parameters(lrs)))
for pE in [pE_1, pE_2, pE_3, pE_4]
dprob = DiscreteProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 100.0), (pV, pE))
jprob = JumpProblem(lrs, dprob, NSM())
@test SciMLBase.successful_retcode(solve(jprob, SSAStepper()))

### Input Handling Tests ###

# Tests that the correct hopping rates and initial conditions are generated.
# In this base case, hopping rates should be on the form D_{s,i,j}.
# Prepares the system.
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(SIR_system, SIR_srs_2, small_2d_grid)

# Prepares various u0 input types.
u0_1 = [:I => 2.0, :S => 1.0, :R => 3.0]
u0_2 = [:I => fill(2., nv(small_2d_grid)), :S => 1.0, :R => 3.0]
u0_3 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
u0_4 = [1.0, fill(2., nv(small_2d_grid)), 3.0]
u0_5 = permutedims(hcat(fill(1., nv(small_2d_grid)), fill(2., nv(small_2d_grid)), fill(3., nv(small_2d_grid))))

# Prepare various (compartment) parameter input types.
pV_1 = [ => 0.2, => 0.1]
pV_2 = [ => fill(0.2, nv(small_2d_grid)), => 1.0]
pV_3 = [0.1, 0.2]
pV_4 = [0.1, fill(0.2, nv(small_2d_grid))]
pV_5 = permutedims(hcat(fill(0.1, nv(small_2d_grid)), fill(0.2, nv(small_2d_grid))))

# Prepare various (diffusion) parameter input types.
pE_1 = [:dI => 0.02, :dS => 0.01, :dR => 0.03]
pE_2 = [:dI => 0.02, :dS => fill(0.01, ne(small_2d_grid)), :dR => 0.03]
pE_3 = [0.01, 0.02, 0.03]
pE_4 = [fill(0.01, ne(small_2d_grid)), 0.02, 0.03]
pE_5 = permutedims(hcat(fill(0.01, ne(small_2d_grid)), fill(0.02, ne(small_2d_grid)), fill(0.03, ne(small_2d_grid))))

# Checks hopping rates and u0 are correct.
true_u0 = [fill(1.0, 1, 25); fill(2.0, 1, 25); fill(3.0, 1, 25)]
true_hopping_rates = cumsum.([fill(dval, length(v)) for dval in [0.01,0.02,0.03], v in small_2d_grid.fadjlist])
true_maj_scaled_rates = [0.1, 0.2]
true_maj_reactant_stoch = [[1 => 1, 2 => 1], [2 => 1]]
true_maj_net_stoch = [[1 => -1, 2 => 1], [2 => -1, 3 => 1]]
for u0 in [u0_1, u0_2, u0_3, u0_4, u0_5]
# Provides parameters as a tupple.
for pV in [pV_1, pV_3], pE in [pE_1, pE_2, pE_3, pE_4, pE_5]
dprob = DiscreteProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 100.0), (pV,pE))
jprob = JumpProblem(lrs, dprob, NSM())
@test jprob.prob.u0 == true_u0
@test jprob.discrete_jump_aggregation.hop_rates.hop_const_cumulative_sums == true_hopping_rates
@test jprob.massaction_jump.scaled_rates == true_maj_scaled_rates
@test jprob.massaction_jump.reactant_stoch == true_maj_reactant_stoch
@test jprob.massaction_jump.net_stoch == true_maj_net_stoch
# Provides parameters as a combined vector.
for pV in [pV_1], pE in [pE_1, pE_2]
dprob = DiscreteProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 100.0), [pE; pV])
jprob = JumpProblem(lrs, dprob, NSM())
@test jprob.prob.u0 == true_u0
@test jprob.discrete_jump_aggregation.hop_rates.hop_const_cumulative_sums == true_hopping_rates
@test jprob.massaction_jump.scaled_rates == true_maj_scaled_rates
@test jprob.massaction_jump.reactant_stoch == true_maj_reactant_stoch
@test jprob.massaction_jump.net_stoch == true_maj_net_stoch

### ABC Model Test (from JumpProcesses) ###
# Preparations (stuff used in JumpProcesses examples ported over here, could be written directly into code).
Nsims = 100
reltol = 0.05
non_spatial_mean = [65.7395, 65.7395, 434.2605] #mean of 10,000 simulations
dim = 1
linear_size = 5
num_nodes = linear_size^dim
dims = Tuple(repeat([linear_size], dim))
domain_size = 1.0 #μ-meter
mesh_size = domain_size / linear_size
rates = [0.1 / mesh_size, 1.0]
diffusivity = 1.0
num_species = 3

# Make model.
rn = @reaction_network begin
(kB,kD), A + B <--> C
tr_1 = @transport_reaction D A
tr_2 = @transport_reaction D B
tr_3 = @transport_reaction D C
lattice = Graphs.grid(dims)
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(rn, [tr_1, tr_2, tr_3], lattice)

# Set simulation parameters and create problems
u0 = [:A => [0,0,500,0,0], :B => [0,0,500,0,0], :C => 0]
tspan = (0.0, 10.0)
pV = [:kB => rates[1], :kD => rates[2]]
pE = [:D => diffusivity]
dprob = DiscreteProblem(lrs, u0, tspan, (pV, pE))
jump_problems = [JumpProblem(lrs, dprob, alg(); save_positions = (false, false)) for alg in [NSM, DirectCRDirect]] # NRM doesn't work. Might need Cartesian grid.

# Tests.
function get_mean_end_state(jump_prob, Nsims)
end_state = zeros(size(jump_prob.prob.u0))
for i in 1:Nsims
sol = solve(jump_prob, SSAStepper())
end_state .+= sol.u[end]
end_state / Nsims
for jprob in jump_problems
solution = solve(jprob, SSAStepper())
mean_end_state = get_mean_end_state(jprob, Nsims)
mean_end_state = reshape(mean_end_state, num_species, num_nodes)
diff = sum(mean_end_state, dims = 2) - non_spatial_mean
for (i, d) in enumerate(diff)
@test abs(d) < reltol * non_spatial_mean[i]

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