This is a PHP package for accessing Seafile Web API.
No marketing skills whatsoever, but low rates, 20+ years of experience, and "german work attitude".
Get in touch now:
- Open Source Cloud Storage for your teams and organizations
- Built in File Encryption, better Protecting your Privacy
- Collaboration around Files, file locking and other features make collaboration easy.
To get started with Seafile PHP SDK, you may either set up your own private Seafile server (see or obtain a cloud account. Because the SDK is in its infancy it's highly recommended to set up a test server or create a test account.
It's not advisable yet to use your real server/account if you already got one.
After you have created your test account continue to the next step.
Please note that this SDK currently is under active development and that things might change rather drastically.
If you are looking for stability please refer to stable tags.
Please refer to the Seafile docs on how to obtain an API token.
This also applies to the token required for functional tests (TEST_SERVER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN
The recommended way to install seafile-php-sdk is through Composer.
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of seafile-php-sdk:
composer.phar require rsd/seafile-php-sdk
# composer.phar dump-autoload -o # not required anymore
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
You can then later update seafile-php-sdk using Composer:
composer.phar update
# composer.phar dump-autoload -o # not required anymore
Hint: Have a look at bin/example.php
-- everything this SDK can do is covered there!
First, you need to include the API token (see above):
$client = new Client(
'base_uri' => '',
'debug' => false,
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Token ' . $token
$libraryResource = new Library($client);
$libs = $libraryResource->getAll();
foreach ($libs as $lib) {
printf("Name: %s, ID: %s, is encrypted: %s\n", $lib->name, $lib->id, $lib->encrypted ? 'YES' : 'NO');
$directoryResource = new Directory($client);
$lib = $libraryResource->getById('some library ID of yours');
$items = $directoryResource->getAll($lib, '/'); // 2nd param is the name of the directory or '/'
foreach ($items as $item) {
printf("%s: %s (%d bytes)\n", $item->type, $item->name, $item->size);
$parentDir = '/'; // DirectoryItem must exist within this directory
$directory = 'DirectoryName';
if($directoryResource->exists($lib, $directoryItemName, $parentDir) === false) {
// directory item does not exist
Be aware that because Seafile Web API does not provide a function to do this check on its own, all items of the directory will get loaded for iteration. So that's not very efficient.
$parentDir = '/'; // Create directory within this folder
$directory = 'DirectoryName'; // name of the new Directory
$recursive = false; // recursive will create parentDir if not already existing
$success = $directoryResource->create($lib, $directory, $parentDir, $recursive);
$dir = '/'; // dir in the library
$saveTo = '/tmp/'. $item->name; // save file to this local path
$fileResource = new File($client);
$downloadResponse = $fileResource->downloadFromDir($lib, $item, $saveTo, $dir);
Trying to download a file from an encrypted library without unlocking it first would inevitably fail, so just unlock (API docs say "decrypt") the library before attempting:
$success = $libraryResource->decrypt($libId, ['query' => ['password' => $password]]);
// rest is the same as 'Download file from unencrypted library', see above
$fileToUpload = '/path/to/file/to/be/';
$dir = '/'; // directory in the library to save the file in
$response = $fileResource->upload($lib, $fileToUpload, $dir);
$uploadedFileId = (string)$response->getBody();
$response = $fileResource->update($lib, $newFilename, '/');
$updatedFileId = (string)$response->getBody();
$directoryItem = $fileResource->getFileDetail($lib, '/' . basename($fullFilePath));
$accountResource = new Account($client);
$accountType = $accountResource->getInfo();
$accountResource = new Account($client);
$accountTypes = $accountResource->getAll();
foreach ($accountTypes as $accountType) {
$newAccountType = (new AccountType)->fromArray([
'email' => '',
'password' => 'password',
'name' => 'Hugh Jazz',
'note' => 'I will not waste chalk',
'institution' => 'Duff Beer Inc.'
$success = $accountResource->create($newAccountType);
$updateAccountType = (new AccountType)->fromArray([
'name' => 'Divine Hugh Jazz',
'email' => ''
$success = $accountResource->update($updateAccountType);
$accountResource = new Account($client);
$accountType = $accountResource->getByEmail('');
$accountResource = new Account($client);
$accountType = (new AccountType)->fromArray([
'email' => ''
$success = $accountResource->remove($accountType);
$accountResource = new Account($client);
$success = $accountResource->removeByEmail('');
$accountType = (new AccountType)->fromArray([
'email' => ''
$avatarResource = new Avatar($client);
$libraryResource = new Library($client);
$directoryResource = new Directory($client);
$fileResource = new File($client);
$shareLinkResource = new ShareLinks($client);
// create share link for a file
$expire = 5;
$p = "/" . basename($newFilename);
$password = 'qwertz123';
$defaultPermissions = new SharedLinkPermissions(SharedLinkPermissions::CAN_DOWNLOAD);
$extendedPermissions = new SharedLinkPermissions(SharedLinkPermissions::CAN_DOWNLOAD | SharedLinkPermissions::CAN_EDIT);
$shareLinkType = $shareLinkResource->create($lib, $p, $defaultPermissions, $expire, $password);
// remove shared link
$success = $shareLinkResource->remove($shareLinkType);
$libraryResource = new Library($client);
$starredFileResource = new StarredFile($client);
// get all starred files
$dirItems = $starredFileResource->getAll();
// unstar all starred files
foreach ($dirItems as $dirItem) {
$lib = $libraryResource->getById($dirItem->repo);
$starredFileResource->unstar($lib, $dirItem);
// re-star all files
foreach ($dirItems as $dirItem) {
$lib = $libraryResource->getById($dirItem->repo);
$starredFileResource->star($lib, $dirItem);
This example requires monolog. Log entries and Guzzle debug info will be written to stdout.
$logger = new Logger('Logger');
$stack = HandlerStack::create();
new MessageFormatter("{hostname} {req_header_Authorization} - {req_header_User-Agent} - [{date_common_log}] \"{method} {host}{target} HTTP/{version}\" {code} {res_header_Content-Length} req_body: {req_body} response_body: {res_body}")
$client = new Client(
'base_uri' => '',
'debug' => true,
'handler' => $stack,
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Token ' . $token
: Parameter$newFilename
actually does not set a new file name when uploading a file (thanks to /~
- PHP >=8.0 64 bits
- Guzzle 7.2
Resource | Web API Version | Support grade |
Account | v2 | ★★★☆ |
Avatar | v2.1 | ★★★★ |
Events | v2 | Yet to be done, contact me |
File Share Link | v2.1 | ★★★☆ |
Group | v2 | ★☆☆☆ |
Library/Directory | v2 | ★★☆☆ |
Library/File | v2 | ★★☆☆ |
Library/Library | v2 | ★★☆☆ |
Library/Multiple Files | v2 | ★★★★ |
Organization | v2 | Yet to be done, contact me |
Starred Files | v2 | ★★★★ |
Tested with:
Seafile Server 5.1.3 for generic Linux/Debian JessieSeafile Server 5.1.3 for generic Linux/Debian WheezySeafile Server 5.1.4 for generic Linux/Ubuntu XenialSeafile Server 6.0.3 for generic Linux/Ubuntu Xenial- Seafile Server 7.x+ for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
I'd be happy to implement new features for you at a competitive hourly rate. Get in touch now:
Please note that this package still is in its infancy. Only a part of the API has been implemented so far.
Pull requests are welcome. Please adhere to some very basic and simple principles:
- Follow "separation of concern" on all levels: 1 issue == 1 pull request. Do not cover multiple issues in a pull request.
- Unit tests raise the chance of your pull request getting accepted.
- The same goes for PHPDoc blocks.
There are two types of tests:
- Unit tests that test a code unit without external dependencies and no data manipulation. Please always provide at least unit tests when contributing.
- Functional tests that run against a live server instance (=may have external dependencies) and also alter data. Disabled and thus skipped by default. Please refer to
for information on how to enable functional tests.
- (Seafile server hosting in Germany)
- (Seafile server hosting in Germany)
MIT © 2015-2023 Rene Schmidt DevOps UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG