This is the bundle repository for the research conducted during the ScaleIT Project.
- Miclaus, A., Clauss, W., Schwert, E., Neumann, M.A., Mütsch, F., Riedel, T., Schmidt, F. and Beigl, M., 2016, November. Towards the Shop Floor App Ecosystem: Using the Semantic Web for Gluing Together Apps into Mashups. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Web of Things (pp. 17-21). ACM.
- Hossein Pazouki, Master Thesis, Optimizing Microservice Based Cloud Applications by Leveraging In-Memory Data Caches in Time Series Scenarios, ongoing
- Karl Lorey, Programmiererpersönlichkeiten und die Nutzung von Sozialen Netzwerken durch Programmierer sind verknüpft: Verwendung von GitHub für bedeutsame Indikatoren (Programmers’ Personality and the Usage of Social Networks are linked: Leveraging Github for * Meaningful Markers), Sep. 2017
- Tobias Sturm, Master Thesis, Sensor Data Analytics for Decision Support Systems on Ferry Vessels, Apr. – Sep. 2016
- Fabian Pöhler, Bachelor Thesis, Cloud Deployment Concepts for Industrial IoT Devices, ongoing
- Christian Navolskyi, Bachelor Thesis, Benchmarking of Semantic Databases for Industrial Use Cases, ongoing
- Matthias Schedel, Bachelor Thesis, Shop-Floor Linked Data Graph – Design Of A Linked Data Processing System Architecture For The * Manufacturing Domain, Jan. 2018
- Oliver König, Antonios Karatzoglou, Andrei Miclaus, Ontology-based Information Flow Control and Visualization in an Industry 4.0 scenario, Bachelor Thesis,
, - Nicolas Schreiber, Bachelor Thesis, Serverless Data Science Infrastructure (SDIS): A System Design for the Deployment of Machine * Learning Functions, Nov. 2017
- Dominik Kogel, Bachelor Thesis, Strategien für eine vernetzte Linearachse im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 (Strategies for a Connected * Linear Axes in Context of the 4th Industrial Revolution), Nov. 2017
- Tobias Röddiger, Bachelor Thesis, Gaze-Aware Notifications – Benefitting from Additional Context, Aug. 2017
- Oleksandr Khomenko, Master Thesis, Designing a Case-Based Reasoning System for Supporting Line Employees during Troubleshooting * Tasks, May – Nov. 2016
- Christian Herlemann, Bachelor Thesis, IoT Protocol Benchmarking, Jun. – Nov. 2016
- Nico Kuhn, Bachelor Thesis, Cloud Platform Evaluation and Comparison in an Internet of Things Scenario, KIT, Jan. – May 2016
- Ferdinand Mütsch, Design of a Linked Data-enabled Microservice Platform for the Industrial Internet of Things, May – Oct. 2016, * available at* M Ferdinand. 2016. Design of a Linked Data-enabled Microservice Platform for the Industrial Internet of Things. Open Access,
While this is not research per se, we include the links to our blog posts due to the fact that they have been preliminary sketches of ideas or are easily digestible versions for the research you find on this page.
Until we sort through the articles and categorize them, please feel free to browse our publications on Medium: