HTML/CSS Homework (Week 11 HW) - Web Visualization Dashboard (Latitude)
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Data is more powerful when we share it with others! Let's take what we've learned about HTML and CSS to create a dashboard showing off the analysis we've done. Specifically, we'll be plotting weather data.
In building this dashboard, we'll create individual pages for each plot and a means by which we can navigate between them. These pages will contain the visualizations and their corresponding explanations. We'll also have a landing page, a page where we can see a comparison of all of the plots, and another page where we can view the data used to build them.
The original purpose of the project was to analyze how weather changes in respect to latitude position on the globe especially approaching the equator. To accomplish this analysis, data was pulled from the OpenWeatherMap API to create a dataset of over 500 random cities across the world at varying distance from the equaor. Matplotlib was then used to plot various aspects of weather vs. latitude. Factors of analysis included: temperature, cloudiness, wind-speed and humidity.