A simple Weather App using Clean architecture
steps to run the app:
- fork the repository 'git clone /~https://github.com/SamerOrfali22/weather_app'
- run flutter pub get
- run code generator : flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- flutter run
Technologies Used
- API : openweathermap.org
- State Management : GetX
- http Services : dio
- Dependency Injection : GetIt
- Models : freezed
- Localization: flutter localization tool with intl_utils to enable to generate translations with variables support.
- Navigation: Auto Route
- Responsive: Flutter Screenutil
- Local storage : Using the Stock library, it is easier to implement the SOT principle, even if offline support is not needed. This approach can improve the user experience and make it easier to migrate to offline support in the future.
- current location weather
- search for city weather
- check today forecast
- check next days forecast
- ability to change the language
- ability to change the theme
Clean Architecture Structure Base structure shipped with strict custom lint, base classes , utils and devops tools will bring consistency and best performance guarantee. Taking in consideration project size the structure has guidance will make it fit from small size to enterprise Flutter applications, enable it to scale, improve quality, robustness, and make it easier to test.
this structure designed according to the Clean Architecture and google best practices and guidance. Benefits of using base Architecture :
It allows the app to scale. More people and more teams can contribute to the same codebase with minimal code conflicts. More stable application. More features due to a more productive engineering team. improves the maintainability, quality and robustness of the overall app. It is easier to test. A good Architecture encourages simpler types which are generally easier to test.