- Start
- The code
- Classic run
- Docker run
- Endpoints and docs
- Tests
- Optional config
- Example And Manual Tests
This project was developed using Ubuntu 20.04.
To start you need to have on your machine:
- Node.js ^12;
- npm ^6;
- docker, if you want to run it as image (tested with docker v19.03.8);
- An internet connection!
The test database is hosted on MongoAtlas, it contains the bundles and the products collections filled with example jsons.
This project was developed on top of fastify.js framework.
The main entry point is the server.ts file in the source folder.
The server starts and register the needed routes.
In the modules folder you can find the modules where I define all the classes we need to work with that model.
The -index class is the one where I manage the routing, the -schema class is used to serialize and validate the request and the reply, the -model class defines the fields we will find in a Product, the -service class contains our logics.
In the test folder you can find the test I wrote.
Before of all you have to copy the .env.example file into a .env file. After that you must uncomment the "# The standalone ones" connection string key and comment the "# The Docker credentials" one.
To start the application using npm you have to run in the root folder
npm install && \
npm run start
Et voilà! You're ready to work at port 3000 of your localhost.
If the "# The Docker credentials" is the active one in the .env.example file or in the .env file you're okay, otherwise you have to uncomment it.
To start the application using docker you have to run in the root folder
docker-compose build && docker-compose up
Et voilà! You're ready to work at port 3000 of your localhost.
If you want to see the docs and test the APIs you can browse
To run tests you must run
npm install
(if you already didn't) and
npm run test
You can find the tests in the test folder. In the cart.test.ts file you can find the methods
- processInputOneCartCheckout;
- processInputTwoCartCheckout;
- processInputThreeCartCheckout;
That test the code against the input data.
If you want to run thee project with different configurations you have to copy the .env.example file into a .env file and edit your configurations. Remember: to run in docker the host must be the
This is the workflow you can follow to test the code.
If you go to "{{baseUrl}}/documentation" you can find a fully functional swagger-client to test the repo.
Some example data are seed during the start phase of the server.
Create a cart
POST {baseUrl}/carts
You'll get the id in the response.
Get all the available products
GET {baseUrl}/products
To add a product to the cart
POST {baseUrl}/carts/products/{theIdOfTheSelectedProduct}