Phone number validation rule for Joi
Allows you to do Joi.string().phoneNumber()
Uses /~ for validation.
Which is a compiled version of the Google library /~
const myCustomJoi = Joi.extend(require('joi-phone-number'));
// The phone number can be transformed to a custom format
// Note that this follows Joi's `convert` option
myCustomJoi.string().phoneNumber({ defaultCountry: 'BE', format: 'e164' }).validate('494322456'); // '+32494322456'
myCustomJoi.string().phoneNumber({ defaultCountry: 'BE', format: 'international' }).validate('494322456'); // '+32 494 32 24 56'
myCustomJoi.string().phoneNumber({ defaultCountry: 'BE', format: 'national' }).validate('494322456'); // '0494 32 24 56'
myCustomJoi.string().phoneNumber({ defaultCountry: 'BE', format: 'rfc3966' }).validate('494322456'); // 'tel:+32-494-32-24-56'
myCustomJoi.string().phoneNumber({ defaultCountry: 'US', strict: true }).validate('7777777777'); // validation error
myCustomJoi.string().phoneNumber({ defaultCountry: 'US'}).validate('7777777777'); // 7777777777