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fix(config): make blink lua config fields optional (#18)
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scottmckendry authored Oct 9, 2024
1 parent 23e3fd9 commit 9c73b0d
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 91 deletions.
182 changes: 91 additions & 91 deletions lua/blink/cmp/config.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,137 +1,137 @@
--- @class blink.cmp.KeymapConfig
--- @field show string | string[]
--- @field accept string | string[]
--- @field select_prev string | string[]
--- @field select_next string | string[]
--- @field show_documentation string | string[]
--- @field hide_documentation string | string[]
--- @field scroll_documentation_up string | string[]
--- @field scroll_documentation_down string | string[]
--- @field snippet_forward string | string[]
--- @field snippet_backward string | string[]
--- @field show? string | string[]
--- @field accept? string | string[]
--- @field select_prev? string | string[]
--- @field select_next? string | string[]
--- @field show_documentation? string | string[]
--- @field hide_documentation? string | string[]
--- @field scroll_documentation_up? string | string[]
--- @field scroll_documentation_down? string | string[]
--- @field snippet_forward? string | string[]
--- @field snippet_backward? string | string[]

--- @class blink.cmp.AcceptConfig
--- @field create_undo_point boolean Create an undo point when accepting a completion item
--- @field auto_brackets blink.cmp.AutoBracketsConfig
--- @field create_undo_point? boolean Create an undo point when accepting a completion item
--- @field auto_brackets? blink.cmp.AutoBracketsConfig

--- @class blink.cmp.AutoBracketsConfig
--- @field enabled boolean
--- @field default_brackets string[]
--- @field override_brackets_for_filetypes table<string, string[] | function(item: blink.cmp.CompletionItem): string[]>
--- @field force_allow_filetypes string[] Overrides the default blocked filetypes
--- @field blocked_filetypes string[]
--- @field kind_resolution blink.cmp.AutoBracketResolutionConfig Synchronously use the kind of the item to determine if brackets should be added
--- @field semantic_token_resolution blink.cmp.AutoBracketSemanticTokenResolutionConfig Asynchronously use semantic token to determine if brackets should be added
--- @field enabled? boolean
--- @field default_brackets? string[]
--- @field override_brackets_for_filetypes? table<string, string[] | function(item: blink.cmp.CompletionItem): string[]>
--- @field force_allow_filetypes? string[] Overrides the default blocked filetypes
--- @field blocked_filetypes? string[]
--- @field kind_resolution? blink.cmp.AutoBracketResolutionConfig Synchronously use the kind of the item to determine if brackets should be added
--- @field semantic_token_resolution? blink.cmp.AutoBracketSemanticTokenResolutionConfig Asynchronously use semantic token to determine if brackets should be added

--- @class blink.cmp.AutoBracketResolutionConfig
--- @field enabled boolean
--- @field blocked_filetypes string[]
--- @field enabled? boolean
--- @field blocked_filetypes? string[]
--- @class blink.cmp.AutoBracketSemanticTokenResolutionConfig : blink.cmp.AutoBracketResolutionConfig
--- @field timeout_ms number How long to wait for semantic tokens to return before assuming no brackets should be added
--- @field timeout_ms? number How long to wait for semantic tokens to return before assuming no brackets should be added

--- @class blink.cmp.CompletionTriggerConfig
--- @field keyword_regex string
--- @field blocked_trigger_characters string[]
--- @field show_on_insert_on_trigger_character boolean When true, will show the completion window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
--- @field show_on_insert_blocked_trigger_characters string[] List of additional trigger characters that won't trigger the completion window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
--- @field keyword_regex? string
--- @field blocked_trigger_characters? string[]
--- @field show_on_insert_on_trigger_character? boolean When true, will show the completion window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
--- @field show_on_insert_blocked_trigger_characters? string[] List of additional trigger characters that won't trigger the completion window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
--- @class blink.cmp.SignatureHelpTriggerConfig
--- @field enabled boolean
--- @field blocked_trigger_characters string[]
--- @field blocked_retrigger_characters string[]
--- @field show_on_insert_on_trigger_character boolean When true, will show the signature help window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
--- @field enabled? boolean
--- @field blocked_trigger_characters? string[]
--- @field blocked_retrigger_characters? string[]
--- @field show_on_insert_on_trigger_character? boolean When true, will show the signature help window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
--- @class blink.cmp.TriggerConfig
--- @field completion blink.cmp.CompletionTriggerConfig
--- @field signature_help blink.cmp.SignatureHelpTriggerConfig
--- @field completion? blink.cmp.CompletionTriggerConfig
--- @field signature_help? blink.cmp.SignatureHelpTriggerConfig

--- @class blink.cmp.SourceConfig
--- @field providers blink.cmp.SourceProviderConfig[][]
--- @field providers? blink.cmp.SourceProviderConfig[][]
--- @class blink.cmp.SourceProviderConfig
--- @field [1] string
--- @field keyword_length number | nil
--- @field score_offset number | nil
--- @field deduplicate blink.cmp.DeduplicateConfig | nil
--- @field trigger_characters string[] | nil
--- @field opts table | nil
--- @field [1]? string
--- @field keyword_length? number | nil
--- @field score_offset? number | nil
--- @field deduplicate? blink.cmp.DeduplicateConfig | nil
--- @field trigger_characters? string[] | nil
--- @field opts? table | nil
--- @class blink.cmp.DeduplicateConfig
--- @field enabled boolean
--- @field priority number
--- @field enabled? boolean
--- @field priority? number

--- @class blink.cmp.PrebuiltBinariesConfig
--- @field download boolean
--- @field forceVersion string | nil
--- @field download? boolean
--- @field forceVersion? string | nil

--- @class blink.cmp.FuzzyConfig
--- @field use_frecency boolean
--- @field use_proximity boolean
--- @field max_items number
--- @field sorts ("label" | "kind" | "score")[]
--- @field prebuiltBinaries blink.cmp.PrebuiltBinariesConfig
--- @field use_frecency? boolean
--- @field use_proximity? boolean
--- @field max_items? number
--- @field sorts? ("label" | "kind" | "score")[]
--- @field prebuiltBinaries? blink.cmp.PrebuiltBinariesConfig

--- @class blink.cmp.WindowConfig
--- @field autocomplete blink.cmp.AutocompleteConfig
--- @field documentation blink.cmp.DocumentationConfig
--- @field signature_help blink.cmp.SignatureHelpConfig
--- @field autocomplete? blink.cmp.AutocompleteConfig
--- @field documentation? blink.cmp.DocumentationConfig
--- @field signature_help? blink.cmp.SignatureHelpConfig

--- @class blink.cmp.HighlightConfig
--- @field ns number
--- @field use_nvim_cmp_as_default boolean
--- @field ns? number
--- @field use_nvim_cmp_as_default? boolean

--- @class blink.cmp.AutocompleteConfig
--- @field min_width number
--- @field max_width number
--- @field max_height number
--- @field border blink.cmp.WindowBorder
--- @field order "top_down" | "bottom_up"
--- @field direction_priority ("n" | "s")[]
--- @field preselect boolean
--- @field winhighlight string
--- @field scrolloff number
--- @field draw 'simple' | 'reversed' | function(blink.cmp.CompletionRenderContext): blink.cmp.Component[]
--- @field cycle blink.cmp.AutocompleteConfig.CycleConfig
--- @field min_width? number
--- @field max_width? number
--- @field max_height? number
--- @field border? blink.cmp.WindowBorder
--- @field order? "top_down" | "bottom_up"
--- @field direction_priority? ("n" | "s")[]
--- @field preselect? boolean
--- @field winhighlight? string
--- @field scrolloff? number
--- @field draw? 'simple' | 'reversed' | function(blink.cmp.CompletionRenderContext): blink.cmp.Component[]
--- @field cycle? blink.cmp.AutocompleteConfig.CycleConfig

--- @class blink.cmp.AutocompleteConfig.CycleConfig
--- @field from_bottom boolean When `true`, calling `select_next` at the *bottom* of the completion list will select the *first* completion item.
--- @field from_top boolean When `true`, calling `select_prev` at the *top* of the completion list will select the *last* completion item.
--- @field from_bottom? boolean When `true`, calling `select_next` at the *bottom* of the completion list will select the *first* completion item.
--- @field from_top? boolean When `true`, calling `select_prev` at the *top* of the completion list will select the *last* completion item.

--- @class blink.cmp.DocumentationDirectionPriorityConfig
--- @field autocomplete_north ("n" | "s" | "e" | "w")[]
--- @field autocomplete_south ("n" | "s" | "e" | "w")[]
--- @field autocomplete_north? ("n" | "s" | "e" | "w")[]
--- @field autocomplete_south? ("n" | "s" | "e" | "w")[]
--- @alias blink.cmp.WindowBorder 'single' | 'double' | 'rounded' | 'solid' | 'shadow' | 'padded' | 'none' | string[]
--- @class blink.cmp.DocumentationConfig
--- @field min_width number
--- @field max_width number
--- @field max_height number
--- @field border blink.cmp.WindowBorder
--- @field direction_priority blink.cmp.DocumentationDirectionPriorityConfig
--- @field auto_show boolean
--- @field auto_show_delay_ms number Delay before showing the documentation window
--- @field update_delay_ms number Delay before updating the documentation window
--- @field winhighlight string
--- @field min_width? number
--- @field max_width? number
--- @field max_height? number
--- @field border? blink.cmp.WindowBorder
--- @field direction_priority? blink.cmp.DocumentationDirectionPriorityConfig
--- @field auto_show? boolean
--- @field auto_show_delay_ms? number Delay before showing the documentation window
--- @field update_delay_ms? number Delay before updating the documentation window
--- @field winhighlight? string

--- @class blink.cmp.SignatureHelpConfig
--- @field min_width number
--- @field max_width number
--- @field max_height number
--- @field border blink.cmp.WindowBorder
--- @field winhighlight string
--- @field min_width? number
--- @field max_width? number
--- @field max_height? number
--- @field border? blink.cmp.WindowBorder
--- @field winhighlight? string

--- @class blink.cmp.Config
--- @field keymap blink.cmp.KeymapConfig
--- @field accept blink.cmp.AcceptConfig
--- @field trigger blink.cmp.TriggerConfig
--- @field fuzzy blink.cmp.FuzzyConfig
--- @field sources blink.cmp.SourceConfig
--- @field windows blink.cmp.WindowConfig
--- @field highlight blink.cmp.HighlightConfig
--- @field nerd_font_variant 'mono' | 'normal'
--- @field kind_icons table<string, string>
--- @field keymap? blink.cmp.KeymapConfig
--- @field accept? blink.cmp.AcceptConfig
--- @field trigger? blink.cmp.TriggerConfig
--- @field fuzzy? blink.cmp.FuzzyConfig
--- @field sources? blink.cmp.SourceConfig
--- @field windows? blink.cmp.WindowConfig
--- @field highlight? blink.cmp.HighlightConfig
--- @field nerd_font_variant? 'mono' | 'normal'
--- @field kind_icons? table<string, string>

--- @type blink.cmp.Config
local config = {
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