Simultaneous Exploration and Photographing with Heterogeneous UAVs for Fast Autonomous Reconstruction
Mingjie Zhang1,3,*, Chen Feng2,*, Zengzhi Li1,4, Guiyong Zheng1, Yiming Luo1,
Zhu Wang4, Jinni Zhou5, Shaojie Shen2, Boyu Zhou1,†
1 Sun Yat-Sen University.
2 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
3 Northwestern Polytechnical University.
4 North China Electric Power University.
5 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guang Zhou).
*Equal Contribution
†Corresponding Authors
- [09/10/2024]: The code of SOAR is released.
- [30/06/2024]: SOAR is accepted to IROS 2024 and selected as oral presentation (acceptance rate: 10%).
[IROS'24] This repository maintains the implementation of "SOAR: Simultaneous Exploration and Photographing with Heterogeneous UAVs for Fast Autonomous Reconstruction".
The key modules of SOAR are detailed in this overview.
And we also provide a special demo for IROS2024.
If you find this work useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={SOAR: Simultaneous Exploration and Photographing with Heterogeneous UAVs for Fast Autonomous Reconstruction},
author={Zhang, Mingjie and Feng, Chen and Li, Zengzhi and Zheng, Guiyong and Luo, Yiming and Wang, Zhu and Zhou, Jinni and Shen, Shaojie and Zhou, Boyu},
booktitle={2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
Please kindly star ⭐️ this project if it helps you. We take great efforts to develop and maintain it 😁.
- ROS Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04) or ROS Melodic (Ubuntu 18.04)
- Eigen
For Marsim:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libglfw3-dev libglew-dev
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libompl-dev
git clone /~
If you have installed Anaconda, please use catkin_make -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3
cd src/planner/utils/lkh_mtsp_solver/LKH
Pisa Cathedral
source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch heterogeneous_manager rviz.launch
source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch heterogeneous_manager pisa.launch
Sydney Opera House
source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch heterogeneous_manager rviz.launch
source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch heterogeneous_manager sydney.launch
NOTE: Trigger the quadrotors to start planning with the 2D Nav Goal
when the terminal displays wait for trigger
. All scenes are provided in src/heterogeneous_manager/launch/XXX.launch
If you want to use the GPU version of MARSIM, you can change the parameter "use_gpu" to true
in src/heterogeneous_manager/launch/XXX.launch
<arg name="use_gpu" value="true" />
We aim to develop intelligent perception-centric flight to realize Fast Coverage / reConstruction / inspeCtion etc.
- PredRecon (ICRA2023): Prediction-boosted Planner for Aerial Reconstruction.
- FC-Planner (ICRA2024): Highly Efficient Global Planner for Aerial Coverage.
- SOAR (IROS2024): Heterogenous Multi-UAV Planner for Aerial Reconstruction.