A slightly imroved wrapper around msf-nasm_shell
Wraps msf-nasm_shell with pexpect to extend nasm_shell with:
- newline delimited commands (already had that capability)
- semicolon delimited commands
- shell loop interactive terminal (retained)
- oneshot piped input
- oneshot cli arg input
- Helpful formatting: oneline c-style hexstring followed by opcode comments
Example output
└─$ msf-nasm_shell-ng "push esp; pop eax; ret"
#[.] push esp\n pop eax\n ret
# 00000000 54 push esp
# 00000001 58 pop eax
# 00000002 C3 ret
# 3 bytes
"\x54\x58\xc3" # 54 push esp; 58 pop eax; C3 ret # 3 bytes