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A Discord bot in Javascript that makes the management of a NFS:W server a bit easier.

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With this Discord bot you can easily manage your Need for Speed: World server and get stats of course!
As this project is open-source you're free to do modifications and pull requests.

The bot is for the moment working only with Soapbox Reloaded Core.


The following configuration example will be generated in the file local.settings.json when you will run the bot for the first time.
Once the file generated the bot will ask you to fill every settings as your convenance.

Make sure to check commits to see if a parameter has been added. If a new parameter has been added you'll have to add the new line in the local.settings.json file.

  "bot": {
    "prefix": "s!",
    "token": "",
    "serverid": "",
    "embed": {
      "hexColor": "#",
      "logo": "https://image.url/logo.png"
  "channel": {
    "announcement": "",
    "support": {
      "needhelp": "",
      "bugreport": ""
    "banlogs": "",
    "serverlogs": "",
    "status": "",
    "command": {
      "admin": "",
      "moderator": "",
      "public": ""
  "role": {
    "admin": "",
    "moderator": "",
    "launcher": "",
    "player": "",
    "onArrival": false,
    "countdown": 600000
  "url": {
    "website": "",
    "pathToProfile": "/player/driver/",
    "profileFormat": "ID",
    "avatarFormat": ".jpg",
    "avatarEndpoint": "https://avatar.endpoint.url/",
    "modsEnpoint:": "https://mods.enpoint.url/"
  "core": {
    "serverName": "",
    "url": "http://url.ofyour.core:8080",
    "maxPlayerAnnounceLobby": "",
    "announceLobbies": true,
    "timezone": "CET",
    "token": {
      "server": "",
      "openfire": ""
    "botPersonaId": 0
  "sql": {
    "host": "",
    "user": "",
    "password": "",
    "database": ""
  "antispam": {
    "maxDuplicate": 5,
    "delay": 10
  "antiscam" : {
     "maxDuplicate" : 2,
     "delay" : 60

Bot configuration

  • bot.prefix, the command prefix of the bot.
  • bot.token, the bot token.
  • bot.serverid, the id of your discord server.
  • bot.embed.hexColor, the hexadecimal color of the embed color.

Channels configuration

  • channel.announcement, the id of the announcement channel.
  •, the id of the need help channel.
  •, the id of the bug report channel.
  • channel.banlogs, the id of the ban logs channel.
  • channel.serverlogs, the id of the server logs channel.
  • channel.command.admin, the id of the channel for admin commands.
  • channel.command.moderator, the id of the channel for moderator commands.
  • channel.command.public, the id of the channel for public commands.

Role configuration

  • role.admin, the id of the administrator role.
  • role.moderator, the id of the moderator role.
  • role.launcher, the id of the launcher maintainer role.
  • role.player, the id of the player role.
  • role.onArrival, the role given on arrival, set to disabled if you don't want that function.
  • role.countdown, the delay to give the onArrival role when someone join if not disabled.

URL configuration

  •, the URL of the server's website.
  • url.avatarEndpoint, the URL of the path containing avatar images. Example: 21.jpg is the 21th avatar in-game.
  • url.pathToProfile, the path to the user profile on website.
  • url.profileFormat, manage the URL endpoint if your website manage profile url with ID or Name.
  • url.avatarFormat, the format of images hosted on the avatar endpoint.
  • url.modsEndpoint, the url where mods versions are located.

Core configuration

  • core.serverName, the name of your NFS:W server.
  • core.url, the URL of your server's core, example in settings.json.
  • core.maxPlayerAnnounceLobby, the max player count where the "search for player" information on chat is enabled.
  • core.token.server, the admin token of your server.
  • core.token.openfire, the openfire token of your server.
  • core.announceLobbies, enable or disable (true or false) the lobby announcements in chat managed by the bot.
  • core.timezone, the current timezone of your server. See this website to know the list of timezones.
  • core.botPersonaId, the ID of the persona that the bot will use to register bans in database.

Database configuration

  •, the host IP of your mysql server.
  • sql.user, the user that have access and modification rights of the database.
  • sql.password, the password of the user.
  • sql.database, the database name of your NFS:W server, generally SOAPBOX.

Antispam configuration

  • antispam.maxDuplicate, the number of times someone can send duplicated text.
  • antispam.delay, the maximum watch delay between duplicated messages.

Antiscam configuration

  • antiscam.maxDuplicate, the number of times someone can send duplicated text including an url.
  • antiscam.delay, the maximum watch delay between duplicated messages.

How to install

To use the project correctly you will need some tools.

Run the following commands into your terminal.

  • git clone /~
  • npm install

How to run

Go to the folder where the bot files are located and run the following commands.

  • node index.js

How to update

Use the following command to update the bot when there is a new version.

  • git pull
  • npm install

All-in-one (update & run)

Type the following command to use the easiest way to update the bot and run it.

  • ./

This command apply updates available from this repo, installs the required node packages and then run the bot.

Realized with ❤️ by Speedou, Floruzus, Kova and Harnasiowa.

Please do not withdraw the license and keep the credits on this project.


A Discord bot in Javascript that makes the management of a NFS:W server a bit easier.







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Contributors 3
