You can access to the site on the:
This open-source project is the Web version of Paprika. This version is cut to three parts. The native Paprika is here: /~
The project use Docker and Maven, you need to have installed these functionality for run the project.
paprika-analyze: Part who run the analyze with file.apk and send data to neo4J database.
paprika-web: Part who launch the web page and launch paprika-analyze when it needed.
paprika-tandoori: Part who run the analyze for GitHub.
For run Paprika-web, you need to compile paprika-analyze, paprika-web ad paprika-Tandoori,CodesmellsAnno per the command:
mvn clean package
Then move new jar of target/file.jar on dockerweb,dockeranalyze or dockerTandoori CodesmellsAnno.jar go only on dockerTandoori.
If you want use with GitHub: You need also to read also readme of dockerweb,analyze,tandoori For have "token", you need to create a GitHub account, then create a token who have access to repo.
When done, you need just to launch:
Then you need to go on your docker-machine, for me, this is
docker-machine ssh spirals-somca.
Then install docker-compose if not installed, see For finish, just launch:
sudo docker-compose up web
The first run launch always a error you need to: go on
:7474 for create a small account. ( address is "localhost" per default) Where the username need to be neo4j(the default) and you need to put the same password than the "neo4j_pwd" put on your json.On the folder of each. After the mvn clean package.
Install the jar:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./target/CodeSmellsAnnotations.jar -DpomFile=./pom.xml
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./target/Paprika.jar -DpomFile=./pom.xml
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./target/Tandoori.jar -DpomFile=./pom.xml
Then on your pom.xml, you can put the dependency: Maven:
You need made also a info.json: $ touch info.json And fill these values:
"token" <— token key of a GitHub account than you have created.
"token_botname" <- the username of the GitHub account of the token.
"email_pwd" <— password of the email of the bot account.
"email_username" <- username of the email of the bot account.
"email_email" <- E-mail of the bot account.
"email_smtp" <- Service of the e-mail for stmp.
"token_private_key_captcha" <- Not used, this is the private key of the Recaptcha than you have when you create a service between you and Google.
"keystore_key" <— The key than you have put for your keystore created per:
keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore2.jks -alias toto -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=toto"
"neo4j_pwd" <- The password of your neo4j database.
- Spark-core framework web.
- Neo4J graph database.(With Cypher).
- Spark Bolt for linked Java to Neo4J.
- Velocity template for page html.
- Docker
- Spoon of Inria
- Paprika of Inria
-On the menu->Project, new versions can be inverted with the old, only if 0 versions have be analyzed on the project.
Paprika-analyze: ** accept only File.apk. ** Can be very long.
Paprika-Tandoori ** require these Github Link "/~" ** If you have two files who have the same name and the same package, theses files will no be analyzed correctly.