Python library for Vaa3D functions.
$ pip install v3d-py-helper
By cloning the repo and test the Cyhton usages:
$ python build_ext --inplace
from v3dpy.loaders import Raw, PBD
raw = Raw()
img = raw.load('path.v3draw')'path.v3draw', img)
pbd = PBD()
img = pbd.load('path.v3dpbd')'path.v3dpbd', img)
Currently only support Tiff 3D tiles.
from v3dpy.terafly import TeraflyInterface
import numpy as np
t = TeraflyInterface('teraconvert_path')
x, y, z, c = t.get_dim()
# center block
size = np.array(t.get_dim()[:3])
half_block_size = np.array([128, 128, 64]) // 2
start = size // 2 - half_block_size
end = size // 2 + half_block_size - 1
# 4D image, indexed by c, z, y, x
img = t.get_sub_volume(start[0], end[0], start[1], end[1], start[2], end[2])
On Windows, MS BuildTool >= 16 is required to build the wheel.
Newer setuptools seem to be buggy.
Once successfully installed, the package can still report import error, which suggests some of the runtime libs, especially those related with compression, are missing in you machine.
Github project: /~
Vaa3D source: /~
Main Developer: Zuohan Zhao
My GitHub Page: /~