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This project provides code samples and test case to demo OPA5 (One Page Acceptance Tests) testing for teched2019 purpose. These testcases cover component- and integration tests running against a mock server.
To run the app, you need to have node and npm installed.
To run the app you have to do following steps: Clone the repo:
git clone /~
Than install the app:
cd teched2019-opa
npm install
npm run start
To run tests in single run mode:
npm run test
To run tests in watch mode:
npm run test-start
This project is provided "as-is": there is no guarantee that raised issues will be answered or addressed in future releases.
Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the SAP Sample Code License, except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.