Build a mock api server with zero-conf at lightning speed
install mockingcat (or use npx)
$ npm i -g mockingcat
# or
$ npm i -D mockingcat
make mock
dir to project path
$ mkdir mock
$ mockingcat
# or
$ npx mockingcat
make file mock/get.js
$ touch mock/get.js
now, you can access to mock/get
$ curl http://localhost:8090/mock/get
> {"message":"not implemented yet"}
next, implement mock/get.js
module.exports = {
method: 'GET',
handler (request, reply) {
reply.send({ message: 'hello, world!' })
access to mock/get
$ curl http://localhost:8090/mock/get
> {"message":"hello, world!"}
next, make mock/user/_id.js
, and append this
module.exports = {
method: 'GET',
handler (request, reply) {
you can access to mock/user/_id
$ curl http://localhost:8090/mock/user/hello
> {"id": "hello"}
module.exports = {
port: 8090,
srcDir: './mock',
baseUrl: '/mock',
verbose: true,
middlewares: [], // fastify middleware
ignore: [/node_modules/]
- module.exports:
{ fastify route options }
orArray<{ fastify route options }>
module.exports = {
method: 'GET',
url: baseUrl + mockFilepath
handler (request, reply) {
reply.send({ message: 'not implemented yet' })
you can define mock file as fastify route option.
$ mockingcat --help
--help (-h)
--version (-v)
--port (-p) : 8090
--srcdir (-s) : ./mock
--baseurl (-b) : /mock
--verbose (-v) : true