Here, you can search for restaurants near you! But not just any restaurant - only the lowest rated restaurants near you. We know, as a Karen, you expect only the best for you and your family and because of this, we only show you the lowest rated places near you. View the low score, click on the link the view the restaurant’s website and easily click a button to speak with a manager. Link to deployed App:
We built this app with you in mind.
Project includes usage of:
- Advanced CSS
- Three Separate Javascript files
- Modals
- External APIs (Zomato and BadAdvice)
- jQuery pulls
This is an open search and is what our users are greeted with upon entering the site, including the branded logo, a search bar, two buttons, a randomized ad, and a bad advice quote at the bottom to spice up anyday.
If the user clicks the question mark in the top right corner of the window, they are given a pop-up of sorts, that walk them through the purpose of the site and what they are capable of accomplishing with this tool.
The API uses a smart search to locate the user's designated city of choice.
Our users will see a three container window after they have selected their city from the previous choices.
Clicking on the speak to manager button within the search results, will take the user to a new window with the contact and restuarant information on Zomato.
Clicking the 'I'm feeling entitled' button yields a single result chosen at random from our advanced API.
If the user chooses to click our logo, they will be greeted by a lovely video!
This Project was created by (in alphabetical order)
- Rodolfo Diaz
- Isaac Frishman
- Emily Groenendal
- Ethan McDowell
- Courtney Swanson
## Copyright 2020
(insert URL Here)