****This repository will migrate to the following repository soon!!! **** /~https://github.com/RoboMasterS1Challenge/robomaster_s1_ros_reference_design
This package contains a ROS node package and MINI-M4 STM32 firmware for controlling your RoboMaster S1 through the ROS network. (Nucleo-F767ZI Version is discontined.)
You can control DJI RoboMaster S1 motion, LED, Blaster and some commands using ROS messages through ROS1 Network. Raspberry Pi 4B and stm32f4 microcontroller emulate Intelligent Controller of RoboMaster S1.
You should prepare these items.
- DJI RoboMaster S1
- Ubuntu PC with STM32CubeIDE
- Raspberry Pi 4B
- Universal board for Raspberry Pi
- CAN Tranceiver breakout board (Like this https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B076HHVZM1)
- Wire harnes, 2.54mm Socket and Pins etc.
- DockerPi powerBoard (https://www.seeedstudio.com/DockerPi-PowerBoard-p-4100.html)
- SONY PlayStation4(R) Controller
- Left Axis : Linear X and Linear Y
- Right Axis : Gimbal Pitch and Gimbal Yaw
- Right Axis push : Blaster
- L2 : Enable control
Install ds4drv for PlayStation4(R) Controller
$ sudo pip install ds4drv
$ git clone --recursive /~https://github.com/tatsuyai713/robomaster_s1_can_hack.git
Please make symbolic link from "ros" folder to your ROS workspace.