Generic functions for macOS scripting with Applescript – function names as in Hoogle.
In Applescript it may be simpler to paste functions from this library into your scripts, and use them directly, rather than referencing a global 'include' of the whole library.
Nevertheless, for initial drafting and testing, it is certainly possible to make the whole library (over 400 functions) available to a script:
Here is a script which shows a menu of all the functions in the library, inviting the user to choose one or more for pasting.
(The source code of all selected functions is then copied to the clipboard):
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
-- Rob Trew (c) 2018 MIT
-- macOS menu for choosing a set of Applescript Prelude functions to paste.
property _ : missing value
-- Library files at: /~
property jsonPath : "~/prelude-applescript/asPreludeDict.json"
property asPreludeLibPath : "~/prelude-applescript/asPrelude.applescript"
on run
if _ is missing value then set _ to prelude(asPreludeLibPath)
script functionMenu
on |λ|(recFns)
tell _ to set ks to sort(keys(recFns))
tell application "System Events"
set choice to choose from list ks ¬
with title "Applescript Prelude" with prompt "( " & ¬
(length of ks) & " functions )" & ¬
linefeed & linefeed & ¬
"Choose one or more to paste:" default items {item 1 of ks} ¬
with multiple selections allowed
if choice is not false then
script sourceCode
on |λ|(k)
set mbSource to _'s lookupDict(k, recFns)
if Nothing of mbSource then
{Just of mbSource}
end if
end |λ|
end script
tell _ to set strFns to intercalate(linefeed & linefeed, ¬
concatMap(sourceCode, choice))
set the clipboard to strFns
end if
end tell
end |λ|
end script
tell _
if doesFileExist(jsonPath) then
set lrJSON to readFileLR(jsonPath)
set lrJSON to |Left|("File not found: " & jsonPath)
end if
bindLR(bindLR(lrJSON, _'s jsonParseLR), functionMenu)
end tell
end run
-- prelude :: FilePath -> Script
on prelude(filePath)
-- (path to a library file which returns a 'me' value)
set ca to current application
set {bln, int} to (ca's NSFileManager's defaultManager's ¬
fileExistsAtPath:((ca's NSString's stringWithString:filePath)'s ¬
stringByStandardizingPath) isDirectory:(reference))
if (bln and (int ≠ 1)) then
set strPath to filePath
run script (((ca's NSString's ¬
stringWithString:strPath)'s ¬
stringByStandardizingPath) as string)
end if
end prelude