CareConnect is a mobile application developed using React Native and Expo. It serves as a matching app between nannies and parents. The app allows users to create profiles, search for nannies based on their preferences and with the assistance of a chatbot, and connect with potential matches. CareConnect aims to simplify the process of finding childcare services by providing a user-friendly platform for parents and nannies to connect and communicate.
Here are some screenshots of the CareConnect app in action:
Login Screen
SignUp Screens
Nannies listing Screen
To get started with fsNav, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone /~
Navigate to the project directory:
cd careconnect
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the application:
expo start
This will start the Expo development server. You can run the app on an emulator/simulator or scan the QR code with the Expo Go app on your mobile device.
The project structure is organized as follows:
- screens/: Individual screens of the application.
- services/:
- components/: Reusable React components.
- navigators/: Navigation configuration with React Navigation.
- firebase/: Firebase services and other utility functions.
- App.js: Entry point of the application.
Feel free to explore and modify the code as needed.
Make sure to configure the following:
- Create a Firebase project and obtain the configuration details.
- Update the Firebase configuration in
- User Registration: New users can register an account (depending if they are a parent or a nanny) by providing various informations.
- User Login: Registered users can log in to their accounts using their email address and password.
- User Profile: Logged-in users have access to their profile information and can update their details if needed.
Various UI components such as Text, TextInput, Button, and SafeAreaView are used for layout and interaction.
To write later on.