Aurorium is the heart (*Not the core!*) of the Revive101 project, designed to manage the files associated with the Wizard101 client revival. We've open-sourced Aurorium to foster transparency, collaboration, and community involvement in our mission to bring back the magic of Wizard101.
Disclaimer: we are not affiliated with Wizard101Rewritten in any way and do not tolerate any use of this project in reference of Wizard101rewritten! Discord invite
KiWad-Unpacker is a free fast and easy-to-use tool for unpacking .wad files. Whether you're a game modder or simply need to access the contents of a .wad file, this open-source project has got you covered. It's designed to be user-friendly and completely free.
These instructions will help you get a copy of Aurorium up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Note: you DO NOT need all those prerequisites if you just want to use the executable. You can find the latest executable *here*.
- Rust programming language.
- VSCode (Alternatively VSCodium)
- rust-analyzer extension
Install git
to clone this repository to your local machine. Run following command in your designated folder:
git clone /~
To run the executable, use cargo run
alternatively you can build it using cargo build
or in release cargo build --release
Since Version 2.0, Aurorium automatically fetches the newest Revision from their server and downloads all resources associated with it. (In Version < 2.0 you need to provide the executable with --revision
or -r
If you get an error: linker link.exe not found
error, that means you are missing the buildtools from Microsoft for C++. To solve this issue you can either install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019/2022
or use following commands on windows:
rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
which installs the latest windows toolchain. Then use
rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
to mark this toolchain as default, then try to build the project again.
For 64-Bit Linux-Based systems, you need to use x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
as target.
The structure of a revision looks like following: V_r[Major].[Minor]
. Sometimes, the Minor version can even be WizardDev
. Example: V_r746756.WizardDev
You can provide the (built) executable with following parameters:
-v, --verbose Activate verbosity (Default: warn)
-i, --ip=<SocketAddr> Override the default endpoint IP (Default:
-c, --concurrent_downloads=<usize> Override the count of concurrent downloads at once (Default: 8)
--max_requests=<u32> Change the amount of requests a user can send before getting rate-limited by the server
--reset_duration=<u32> Change the duration for the interval in which the rate-limit list get's cleared (In seconds)
--disable_ratelimit Disable ratelimits
--revision_check_interval=<u64> Change the interval for checking for new revisions (In minutes)
-h, --help Prints help information
We welcome contributions from the community! Whether you're an experienced developer or just getting started, there are many ways to contribute to Aurorium's development:
Check out our Contributing Guidelines for detailed information on how to contribute. Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Report bugs or suggest new features by opening issues.
If you've contributed to one of our projects you can receive the @Contributor
role in our discord. You must have linked GitHub to your Discord in order for us to give you the role
Join the Revive101 community on discord to connect with fellow Wizards, developers, and enthusiasts.
Aurorium by Phill030 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0