Gazebo simulation with emulated interfaces for the Sawyer Research Robot. Please follow the tutorial on the Rethink Robotics Wiki to get started with Sawyer in Gazebo.
. | +-- sawyer_simulator/ sawyer_simulator metapackage | +-- sawyer_gazebo/ Gazebo interface for the Sawyer that loads the models into simulation | +-- sawyer_hardware_interface/ This emulates the hardware interfaces of Sawyer | +-- sawyer_sim_controllers/ Controller plugins for Sawyer | +-- sawyer_sim_examples/ Examples specific to Sawyer in Simulation | (use intera_examples for examples that will work both in | simulation AND the real Sawyer robot)
intera_sdk | /~ |
intera_commom | /~ |
sawyer_robot | /~ |
sawyer_moveit | /~ |