Gazebo simulation with emulated interfaces for the Baxter Research Robot
Documentation | |
Issues | /~ |
Contributions | |
. | +-- baxter_simulator/ baxter_simulator metapackage | +-- baxter_gazebo/ Gazebo interface for the Baxter that loads the models into simulation | +-- src/ | +-- launch/ | +-- worlds/ | +-- baxter_sim_controllers/ Controller plugins for Baxter | +-- src/ | +-- include/ | +-- config/ | +-- baxter_sim_examples/ Examples specific to Baxter in Simulation | +-- scripts/ (use baxter_examples for examples that will work both in | +-- include/ simulation AND the real Baxter robot) | +-- launch/ | +-- models/ | +-- baxter_sim_hardware/ This emulates the hardware interfaces of Baxter | +-- src/ | +-- include/ | +-- config/ | +-- launch/ | +-- baxter_sim_io/ QT based navigator plugins for baxter | +-- src/ | +-- include/ | +-- ui/ | +-- baxter_sim_kinematics/ Implementation of IK, FK and gravity compensation for baxter | +-- src/ | +-- include/ | +-- launch/
baxter | /~ |
baxter_interface | /~ |
baxter_tools | /~ |
baxter_examples | /~ |
baxter_common | /~ |