Udemy - Selenium WebDriver with Java - Basic to Advanced + Frameworks
Section: Framework Building from Scratch - Real Time Project
>cd <eclipse-workspace>
>mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=Academy -DartifactId=E2EProject -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
>cd <root directory of the new project>
>mvn eclipse:eclipse
- Open Eclipse
- Files ==> Import...
- Select ==> Maven//Existing Maven Project ==> Next
- Maven Projects ==> Browse ==> Project Root Folder ==> Select Folder ==> Finish
- The project will be imported into Eclipse shortly.
- src/test/java - All the test cases created here
- src/main/java - All the utilities, base objects, data and etc.
- pom.xml - the maven configure file
Selenium Dependency ==> search "Selenium Maven Information"
<dependency> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> <version>3.141.59</version> </dependency>
TestNG Dependency ==> search "TestNG Maven Dependency"
<dependency> <groupId>org.testng</groupId> <artifactId>testng</artifactId> <version>6.8</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>
Save "pom.xml" will get all the dependencies added to the project local repository.
if (browserName == "chrome") - wrong. shouldn't use "==".
extract the value from property file, need use browserName.equalsTo("String");
- == is a reference comparison, i.e. both objects point to the same memory location
- .equals() evaluates to the comparison of values in the objects
- each line ended without semicolon otherwise will cause the problem.
if (browserName == "chrome") - wrong. shouldn't use "==".
extract the value from property file, need use browserName.equalsTo("String");
== is a reference comparison, i.e. both objects point to the same memory location
.equals() evaluates to the comparison of values in the objects
need give the live of driver in LandingPage class
public WebDriver driver; public LandingPage(WebDriver driver) { this.driver = driver; }
- each line ended without semicolon otherwise will cause the problem.
Right click the Project-Name ==> TestNG ==> Convert to TestNG
"testng.xml" file will be created.
Right click "testng.xml" ==> Run As ==> TestNG Suite
Running as mvn project from command line
>cd <project root directory> >mvn compile >mvn test
Search log4j maven dependency
Append the dependency to pom.xml
Check if Project//Build Automatically is selected.
Add resource folder of "log4j.xml" to "pom.xml" file
src/main/recources true -
Add the source file to java build path - otherwise the system does not know where to find the log4j2.xml configuration file.2
right click project ==> Build Path ==> Configure Build Path... ==> Java Build Path//Source Folde
- The 1st and 2nd windows are not closed before the 3rd window opens. They all closed after the tests are completed.
- This is because the TestNG configured the 3 classes inside 1 test.
- Define each class under 1 set of the test to avoid the windows closing issue.
- put "driver = null;" after driver.close(); -- release the memory.
- Change the driver initialize to static that has more advantages.
Add Apache commons-io maven dependency to pom.xml
Add getScreenshot() method in base class
Create a listener class and implements ITestListener
Invoke getScreenshot() in Failed Listener.
Configure testng.xml - adding the listener.
<listeners> <listener class-name="Academy.Listeners"/> </listeners>
- Get the dependency of "extentreports" and add it to pom.xml
- Get the ExtentReporterNG.java class to be added to the project
- Add ExtentReporterNG as a listener.
- Jenkins installation
- http://localhost:8080/ - Jenkins console
- Jenkins ==> Manage Jenkins ==> Global Tool Configuration
- JDK setup
- GIT setup
- Maven setup
- New Item ==> Enter"E2EProject" ==> General ==> Advanced ==> Use custom workspace
- Build ==> Add build step ==> Invoke top-level Maven targets ==> put the mvn command to the Goals
- Optional - Build Triggers ==> Build periodically
- OOPS Principle Framework
17. Can there be multiple @Test methods in one single class? What changes needed in Testng.xml file to club multiple @Test methods into one single Test Tag.
Add the timestamp to the screenshot file.
Add the webdrivers to resources folder and change the path to dynamic path