- Here is the explanation of the project
- Shopme is a Spring Boot App as Monolith architecture. It is an e-commerce example.
- It covers both admin part and customer part
- All images are stored in Amazon S3 Bucket
- Admin part handle with implementing the process of CRUD for category, product and monitor the past orders with respect its role covering Admin, Editor, Saleperson, Shipper and Assistant
- Admin part is based i18n for Turkish and English
- Customer register the system and login it. Next, s/he makes an order and apply payment and show previous orders
1 ) Download your project from this link /~
2 ) Go to the project's home directory : cd Shopme
3 ) Create a jar file though this command mvn clean install -DskipTests
4 ) Run the project though this command mvn spring-boot:run
- Spring Boot Web
- Java
- JUnit
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Security
- Oauth 2
- Lombok
- Amazon S3 bucket
- Javascript
- Amazon SDK
- Super csv
- Apache Poi ooxml
- Librepdf