Sponza scene from Crytek
This project is currently a WIP.
My aim is to have a better understanding of a modern game engine by coding one. The engine uses modern OpenGL but has only been tested on MacOS. By the end I want it to be cross platform, so I try to be as platform agnostic as I can.
macOS only (for the moment)
brew install boost
(for boost::property_tree
, boost::filesystem
git clone --recursive /~https://github.com/Raphy42/KiwiEngine.git
cmake . && make
##Implemented ###Demo:
- PhongTexturedMaterial test on small scene with one dynamic light. (no shadows)
- Mesh, complex meshes and simple primitive (cube, plane)
- Actuator (position, rotation, scale)
- Camera (FPS)
- Phong (basic, simple light)
- Phong textured (diffuse, specular, normal and alpha)
- Cubemap
- Listener, Notifier and Dispatcher
- OpenGL 3+
##Todo ###Scene:
- Refactor entity storage
- Matrix hierarchy
- Scene manager (loading scene from json or xml?)
- PBR material (metallic workflow)
- uniform buffer object (std140)
- GLSL abstraction?
- Point shadow
- Rigid body physics (with middleware abstraction in order to select different physic engine)
- Animation
- Voxels !!!! (need some work on those octree tho)
for the filesystem abstraction (added in c++17) and some other neat things (not included in vendor, need to install it with your favorite package manager)
for model loading (will be removed as soon as the engine has its own 3D file format)
, currently unused as MacOS does its own things with OpenGL 3+ context creation
for OpenGL/Vulkan context creation and window management
for image loading