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A list of open-source typefaces designed with FontForge and including .sfds as source files

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FontForge Font Discography


A list of open-source typefaces which are designed with FontForge and includes .sfd/.sfdir as source files. Mainly for FontForge users who want to quickly nagivate through different projects, examine them, and maybe contribute to some of them.

To contribute or request for a removal, you can make an issue or a pull request. Be sure to follow the same format.


  • The fonts must be open-source, and the source should be accessible in some way.
  • The fonts must be created or edited in FontForge.
  • The source must include .sfd/.sfdir files. Other accompanying files can also be included.
  • The license or the authors allow sharing/redistributing their fonts.


Designer/Foundry Typeface Link
Adám Brudzewsky (abrudz) APL386 /~
SAX2 /~
APL2741 /~
Alexander Sapozhnikov (shoorick) Russian Road Sign /~
Sivtsev Eye Chart /~
Alexey Kryukov (akryukov) Oldstand /~
Theano /~
Monomachus /~
Altinn Altinn-Din /~
Andrey Makarov (loafer-mka) Anka/Coder /~
blobject (agaric/b) Agave /~
Bronnel (Bronnel721) Mahone Sans /~
Rally Display /~
Zamero Sans /~
Joosper /~
Cerk Sans /~
Lubricantness /~
Hookings /~
Woodrun /~
Gunterick /~
Tapelt /~
Identical Gothic /~
Florentine Sans /~
ZT Eagle /~
Ugarium Sans /~
Rooben /~
Willias /~
Hendrix Gothic /~
Berntique /~
Architun /~
Estamate Sans /~
Sayhone Grotesk /~
Parking Sans /~
BRUTALISM Brutalist Mono /~
Bryndan W. Meyerholt (Bry10022) Gewtymol /~
Lentariso /~
Consettro /~
Yftoowhy /~
Carl's Type Techna Sans /~
Helmet /~
Corne2Plum3 Giphurs /~
Pixel12x10 /~
Culmus Fonts Fancy fonts (15 typefaces)
Daniel Benjamin Miller (dbenjaminmiller) Garamond Libre /~
Step /~
Domitian /~
Salieri /~
NX Baskerville /~
RW Garamond /~
Regis /~
XETBook /~
Dave Crossland (davelab6) Libre Moretus /~
DejaVu Fonts DejaVu /~
Evolventa Evolventa /~
Fredrick Brennan (ctrlcctrlv) TT2020 /~
KJV1611 /~
Some Time Later /~
Chomsky /~
Desalph /~
FRB Avant Garde /~
FRB Taiwanese Kana /~
FRB Kulitan /~
Quaerite Regnum Dei /~
OpenBaybayin /~
Fuzzypeg Coelacanth /~
Georg Mayr-Duffner (georgd) EB Garamond /~
indestructible type* Cooper /~
Drafting /~
Bodoni /~
MFEK-Sans /~
Jost /~
Besley /~
Gnomon /~
Jones /~
Miedinger /~
Interstices Manifont Grotesk /~
Manifont Serif /~
Jacob Perez (jacobxperez) Lexica Ultralegible /~
Jany Belluz (belluzj) Fantasque Sans Mono /~
KreativeKorp Fairfax HD
Kreative Square
LiberationFonts Liberation Fonts /~
Liberation Sans Narrow /~
MihailJP Inconsolata LGC /~
HZ Mincho/Gothic/Socho /~
Garamond Mono /~
Muktamsiddham /~
Textura Libera /~
MarathiCursive /~
OldSindhi /~
Fuiyoh Mincho /~
oidoid mem /~
RandomMaerks Overused Grotesk /~
Droide /~
Hebdomadal /~
rellikmil Teleindicadores1 /~
Ricardo Bánffy (rbanffy) 3270 /~
2250 /~
Richard Sepši Unageo /~
Roland Bernard (rolandbernard) Roland /~
Romeo Van Snick (romeovs) Creep /~
Ryusei Yamaguchi (mandel59) Mutsuki /~
Sean Petykowski (petykowski) London TFL Dot Matrix /~
Slavfox Cozette /~
slavonic Mezenets/Shaidur/Smolensky/Stolp /~
Monomakh /~
Pochaevsk /~
Ponomar /~
Triodion /~
Shafarik /~
Fira Slav /~
Stefan Peev Grazhdanskiy Shrift /~
Libra Sans /~
WeirdoOnTheBus Kepler-452b /~
Wojciech Kalinowski (wmk69) Consola Mono /~
Square Antiqua /~
Modern Antiqua /~
Medieval Sharp /~
Nova /~
Simply Serif /~
Simply Sans /~
Simply Mono /~
Round Style /~
Newest Shape /~
New Shape /~
Klaudia /~
Gothica /~
Cursive /~
Classica /~
Celtica /~
Berenika /~
zsh (zsh-89) Fira Mono Mz /~


A list of open-source typefaces designed with FontForge and including .sfds as source files




