1 Code description
1.1: The code .yml file used has been uploaded and is in the root directory ../STGF-R-CNN/faster_rcnn_swin_tiny_fpn_gn_3x.yml
1.2: You need to place the faster_rcnn_swin_tiny_fpn_gn_3x.yml file in Paddle's folder ../STGF-R-CNN/config/faster_rcnn. Just copy the path when running.
1.3: Pay attention to version compatibility issues. The PaddleDetection version used is:
full_version = '2.4.0'
commit = 'bb4fbe84252608a3bb52dc794fec10af169b5c0e'
2 For details on the installation of Paddle, see:/~https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection
3 Dataset configuration file
../configs/datasets/iMSC_pro_detection.yml and ../dataset/iMSC_pro
4 Train
python tools/train.py -c configs/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_swin_tiny_fpn_gn_3x.yml -o
5 test
python tools/eval.py or tools/infer.py -c configs/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_swin_tiny_fpn_gn_3x.yml -o
6 datasets: The dataset used in this study is private. If you are interested in our work, please contact us.