Installing GitHub Desktop will install a platform for interacting with GitHub and also Git.
- Video 1. Setting GitHub Desktop Preferences (2.5 mins)
- Video 2. Cloning a repository (2 mins)
- Video 3. Pulling and pushing changes to GitHub (3.5 mins)
All of these terms refer to an application for issuing commands in text to your operating system from a command line. In this video, I discuss the difference between Terminal (Mac), Command Prompt (Windows) and bash or Git Bash (both). I show you how to open each from the Applications dashboard (Mac) or Start Menu (PC), and then how to open each from VS Code or RStudio. If you are on a PC, it is important to know how to open a Git Bash window since many commands that you will find on the internet (to solve problems) will use bash (or zsh) syntax rather than DOS (Windows Command Prompt) syntax.
- Video 1. Opening a Terminal (zsh) and Git Bash (bash) on a Mac. (4 minutes)
- Video 2. Opening a Command Prompt (DOS) and Git Bash (unix) on a PC with Start Menu, VS Code and RStudio. (8 minutes)
This focuses on vanilla data science (R or Python) set-up with Quarto. Slides
- Windows/PC R, RStudio and Quarto (4 minutes)
- Mac R, RStudio and Quarto. (2.5 minutes)
- Mac Python, VS Code and Quarto (3 minutes)
- Windows Python, VS Code and Quarto. See slides above.
Notes from our co-work session
- Try out Quarto in RStudio Cloud
- NOAA Quarto simple website with R in qmd or Rmd files GitHub source -- website -- Try it in RStudio Cloud
- NOAA Quarto book with R and download PDF or docx GitHub source -- website -- Try it in RStudio Cloud
- DRAFT Quarto template to create a pdf with the elements for a NOAA Tech Memo GitHub source -- report pdf
- QuartoReport: Report with tables in a for loop. Repo -- Try it in RStudio Cloud -- Video on collaboration
- Similar solution of tables in for loops by Megsie /~
- QmdReport: Example of tables with different packages (kable, flextable, qt) Repo -- Try it in RStudio Cloud
FAQ. Why switch to Quarto from RMarkdown. 1) Seamless cross-format (html, pdf, docx) support with accessibility (508 compliance) baked in, 2) active community development happening in Quarto with more to come as it has cross-language (R, Python, Julia, etc) support, 3) No more headaches with cross-references, 4) Much better citation support, 5) backcompatibility with RMarkdown means the transition is not too hard.
- {trackdown} demo package -- Video of my demo -- demo file