Current Version: 2022.11.1
Publication Date: 01.06.2022
Updated Date: 01.11.2022
Autors: Marcel Stepien
A web-based application to create and edit OpenBimRL files.
To run this project, following applications must be installed:
- node.js
- npm
- Visual Studio Code (Recommended) + Vetur plugin for Vue
The following dependencies have to be installed using npm:
npm install
For more details on dependencies view the package.json file.
New client side implementations can be added by writing code in: /webapp/src/ New server side implementations can be added by writing code in: express-server-run.js
In order to bundle Vue components into a single app.js file, the code has to be compiled using laravel-mix and watch. The files will be stored in /webapp/dist/. These files are used by the index.html file. To generate the compiled files, simply run following command:
npm run watch
NOTE: Executing watch will install additional packages. You may need to run it again afterwards. If errors accure run npm install to fix them. The watch-mode supports hot-reload, in order to edit and view files live in a browser.
Additionally, the server can be used to execute the environment and serving the webapp. Simply run:
node express-server-run.js
Exiting a running server or watch-mode: STRG + C
This tool also runs without the sever application! Simply run the index.html from the webapp-folder in your web-browser to execute and use the latest updated version of this tool.
Alternativly the application can be run as an electon app:
npm run start