PyWavelets 1.8.0 release We are very pleased to announce the release of PyWavelets 1.8.0. This release is a minor update to 1.7.x. It adds support for free-threaded Python 3.13 on Windows. The supported Python, NumPy and Cython versions are unchanged from 1.7.x. Note that building from source with free-threaded CPython requires a recent development version of Cython (>=3.1.0a0). Authors ======= * Ralf Gommers * Marco Meyer-Conde + * Omer Sayli + A total of 3 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. Issues closed for v1.8.0 ------------------------ * `#780 </~>`__: Pip install PyWavelets does not work with GIL disabled version... Pull requests for v1.8.0 ------------------------ * `#766 </~>`__: Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.4 to 4.4.0 in the github-actions... * `#769 </~>`__: DOC: improve figures in \`demo/\` * `#771 </~>`__: CI: build free-threaded Windows wheels * `#775 </~>`__: CI: fix Windows wheels, clean up cp313/cp313t build config * `#778 </~>`__: DOC: highlighted deprecations with backward compatibility information * `#779 </~>`__: Bump the github-actions group with 2 updates