To setup the development environment follow these steps:
- First install virtualenv.
# For Ubuntu
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install virtualenv
# For Fedora
sudo dnf install python3-pip
pip3 install virtualenv
- Then create a virtualenv using
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
virtualenv --python=`which python3` ~/.virtualenvs/pycon
- Then activate this virtualenv, you have to do this everytime you start working on the project
source ~/.virtualenvs/pycon/bin/activate
- To start working you need to check out the development branch
git clone /~
- To install Django and all the packages related to this project
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once all the packages are installed you will need to setup the django database:
python3 migrate
- Running the django server:
python3 runserver
- Visit
on your browser and start working