The aim of this package is to get some useful stats from a local git
All code uses Standard Library so far so you should be able to run it upon checkout:
python3 -m stats YOUR_REPO_FOLDER
Bit meta but here is how it looks for this repo at this time of writing:
$ python3 -m stats ~/code/git-stats
< Git Repo Activity Report >
> Repo: git-stats
* Repo changes (inserts and deletes) per week:
2021-22 | 1607
2021-23 | 479
* Number of commits per week and author:
- Bob Belderbos | 32
- Bob Belderbos | 3
* Files that are most often found in commits:
stats/ | 16
stats/ | 9
tests/functional/ | 6 | 5
tests/ | 4
stats/ | 3
Makefile | 3
stats/ | 3
tests/unit/ | 2
tests/ | 2
To run it from any repo / directory, add this to your .bashrc
) file (assuming your virtual environment is called venv
and is located in the project folder):
alias ae='source venv/bin/activate'
function gitst {
(pwd=`pwd` && cd ~/code/git-stats/ && ae && python3 -m stats $pwd)
The sub shell (()
) makes that it should not have any side effects on your current shell session.
There are unit tests and one functional (end-to-end) test. You can run them like this:
make venv
source venv/bin/activate
make install
make unit (or make test)
make functional
make testall
make coverage