We develop a deep learning pipeline to accurately align challenging multimodality images. The method is based on traditional Lucas-Kanade algorithm with feature maps extracted by deep neural networks. We test our method on three datasets, MSCOCO with regular images, Google Earth with cross season images, Google Map and Google Satellite with multimodality images.
The Google Map and Google Earth data used for both training and tesing can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-voX6dJtIb1Dbq9_m2Ed9xvPhCjM_FLo/view?usp=sharing
For MSCOCO, we are using 2014 train and val, which is here: http://cocodataset.org/#download.
We also provide the txt file about all 6k images sampled for the tesing of this paper.
We submit code with paper for review. If the paper can be accepted, we will open source code for both our model and baseline methods with checkpoints here.