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Annotator User Guide

Elodie edited this page Apr 3, 2024 · 2 revisions

Application overview

Video demo:


Login pages allow the user to authenticate to the website.
There is currently no sign in feature: users are created by the website administrators, who send the credentials to the campaign manager or to the users.

Login screen capture


For data management pages, a menu area is displayed on the left side of the page. It gives access to Datasets overview, Campaigns overview, and a logout feature.

Navigation area screen capture

Campaigns overview

Annotation campaigns page is an overview of all available campaigns for the user currently logged in.
For each campaign, there is a link to the Task list at the end of the line.

Annotation campaigns screen capture

Task list

The Annotation Tasks page lists the tasks for a given campaign, for the user currently logged in.

Column Content
Filename name of the task file
Dataset short name of the dataset
Date when this file was recorded
Duration duration of the task file
Status Created if the user hasn’t begun to annotate the file, Finished otherwise
Link a link to the Audio Annotator page for this task

Task list screen capture

Audio annotator


Audio annotator overview

This is the main page of the site: it allows to annotate a spectrogram visualization of a sound file.
The spectrogram is labelled with time and frequency axes.

If this task has been annotated and submitted previously, the application will load and display previous annotations. Like new ones, these annotations can be modified or deleted.

The sound file is playable by clicking on the play / pause button under the spectrogram. A thin black playback bar is displayed over the spectrogram.

Audio annotator play button, axes and playback bar screen capture

Playback rate (only on Firefox)

The speed at which the sound file is played can be changed from a select list displayed (only on Firefox) next to the play button. Available speeds are 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x and 4x.
There is no pitch correction so modifying the playback rate also modifies the frequency.

Audio annotator with playback rate controls screen capture

Control panel / zoom

The control panel allows to change the way the spectrogram is displayed.
With the select list, the user can choose the way the spectrogram was generated among available settings.

A zooming feature is available by two means:

  • Clicking / tapping the buttons on the control panel: the spectrogram is centered on the progress bar
  • Scrolling over the spectrogram with a mouse or a touch pad: the spectrogram is center on the cursor position

The spectrogram only zooms on time (no zoom on frequency). The zoom is discrete: each zoom level offers pre-computed spectrograms, meaning levels are decided by the creator of the dataset.

Control panel screen capture

Create, tag, select and delete an annotation

There is two types of annotations : presence tag and box tag. The presence tag indicate a presence in the whole file, the box tag only in the selected time/frequency area. For each box tag label there is a presence tag for the same label.

To create a presence tag you need to check the wanted label in the "Presence / Absence" block.

Create a presence tag

To create a box annotation, click on the spectrogram and drag over the area containing the feature.
On click / tap release, the annotation is created and selected: it appears in Selected annotation block and in the Annotations list, both below the spectrogram.

Annotation states: during creation / created / tagged

By default, the last tag selected is used to label your new annotation. You can switch your box tag by click on the corresponding button in the "Tags list" block. Note that only selected presence tag can be used to annotate box.

Create a box tag

Define your confidence

Confidence bloc

If your campaign has confidence indicators, you can define the level of confidence you have in your annotation.

Selected annotation

The selected annotation block gives precise details about the annotation: start and end time, min and max frequency. An annotation must have one and only one tag.

Selected annotation block

It also lists available tags (from the dataset). To tag / untag the annotation, press the matching button.

The selected annotation can be chosen by clicking on its header on the spectrogram, or its line on the annotation list.
The header also allow playing the sound file only for the duration of the annotation, and deleting the annotation by pressing corresponding buttons.


You can also edit a comment for each annotation, or for the task.

Comment an annotation

Annotation list

All the annotations created by the user for the current task are listed in the annotations list block, sorted by start time.

Table content:

  • Start / end time for boxes
  • Min / max frequency for boxes
  • Tag, “-” if no tag has been selected yet
  • Confidence level, if the campaign allows it
  • An indicator of comment on the annotation

Clicking on an annotation selects it (it appears it the selected annotation block and can be tagged).

Annotations list block screen capture

Submit / navigation

The Submit & load next recording button works this way:

  • If several annotations are not tagged, it displays an error message and stay on this task
  • If all annotations are tagged (or if no annotation has been created), it saves them for this task, and loads the next available task
  • If there is no next available task, the user is sent back to the task list for this campaign.

Submit button screen capture

Error message for untagged annotations screen capture