The central library for all translations for Cepi.
All translations are located in src/
Each translation is seperated via namespace.
There is one common namespace, called common
This namespace is shared between everything,
EX unknown command or no permission messages.
Namespaces usually depend on the extension,
EX item
for the item extension namespace.
Locale codes can be found in the Minecraft Wiki.
The whole format goes as this:
The file format for .properties
can be found at Wikipedia
It's usually seperated by key, for example:
some.value = Hello
some.value2 = World
other.value = We
other.value2 = He
The key characters =, and : should be written with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are properly loaded.
Don't use quotes (to contain the message) -- if you contributed a bunch of translations but they all have quotes, use the regex "([\w \d%!':]+)"
on the src/ folder.